Monday 6 December 2010

All Of The Unsaid Things

(Running through my head, running through my head)

When I love you, I love you unconditionally. When I like you, I tolerate your faults. When I dislike you, I distance myself. And when I hate you I imagine you and me in my head. I tell you all the hurtful things about you. But I'll never speak them to you. I wouldn't want to hurt you like you do me. Weakness? No. Strength. I forgive your hurtful ways time after time. Believe me, it takes strength to forgive some one. Especially for the umpteenth time. I may cut you out of my life for short periods of time but I'll always accept you back, your my partner in crime. If I didnt accept you back I'd have to kill you, you know too much!

(Sometimes I blog like this. The truthful all knowing heart of me. In the wee small hours of the morning when my heads whirring and I'm trying to get to sleep but cant. So insted I grab a pen and paper and jot down my thoughts. Its easier to clear my mind and then easier to get to sleep. Kind of like getting things off my chest, so to speak.)

Disclaimer: I would never kill anyone. Used above is a figure of speach! Thank you!

Leanne x

Secret Postcards!

I wanted to share this website with you. I love it. It reminds me how vunerable and beautiful the people in this world are. Believe it or not but after reading the postcards on this website I feel grreatly humbled! Everybody has secrets. I always say you shouldnt judge a door by its paint work, you never know whats lurking behind it! Anyway Postsecret (click for website) is great. I'm even going to post one of my own secrets to it, but I'm not telling you what it is!! But check it out and maybe even join in?? Have fun reading them all!

Leanne x

Insomnia Is Not My Friend

Ok so its now 7am. I've been in bed since 1.30am. But haven't slept a wink because my brain didn't seem to want to shut up! So at about 6.10am I grabbed a pen and some paper and started writing all the things in my head down. Funnily enough, none of it was that funny! Except the thought I had about vicky Pollard (Little Britian Character). Anyway. Insomnia is horrible! I hate it and yet the doctor wont give me anything for it! Boohoo I know! Get the tiny small small violins out! That is for this blog I just wanted to share that! Bet your to hyped up to sit still after reading this, eh?

Leanne x

Snow Joke

Yes, I'm blogging about the bloody snow! I live in Derbyshire, the capital of s**t weather. We had snow for 3 days running. Almost continually. In most places in the UK the snow has almost disapeared. But where I live it's still knee high. I like the snow. As long as it's only around for a few days. And I'm in doors. And I have no where I need to go. Unfortunatly the town I live in has only just started to run normally again.

Message to Snow: Go away now please and dont come back until boxing day. Thank you very muchly!

Anyway on a different but related note; the best thing about this weather is seeing people fall on their butts! I remember a few years ago I was with a few friends and one of them was showing off on the ice and boasting about how easy it was. Then she slipped and ended up doing the splits & split her trousers! I couldnt stop smiling all day!

By the way do you think they call it 'Doing the splits' because the person to bring it to the publics attention split their trousers while doing it? (I'm speculating as to if thats what happened!)

Leanne x

Friday 19 November 2010

Chlidren In Need

Well another year of children in need is here. So to donate you can call:
 0345 7 33 22 33

Its a great cause so give generously. To find out all about Children In Need just click the link (the big words). There are more ways of donating also listed on the website!

Leanne x

Thursday 18 November 2010

A Few Small Things

I just wanted to do a little blog inbetween house work... yeah I know right... borrring! Anyway here are the little small things on my mind at the present;

  1. This book counting thing I'm doing. (FYI I'm seeing how many books I can read in a year, its at 50-something now). Anyway, do you think I should count childrens books? If so I should add about 100 to my total.. or do you think thats cheating??
  2. Have you had one of those moments of.... Oh my goodness, why on earth did I say that? Im having one of those moments/days! Its so... cringe worthy!
  3. I had an email earlier about sponsorship. For a cook wear manufactuoror. The email said my blog has things in common with the website... ok yes I did once post a picture of a rice pudidng I made myself. But I am no culinary Godess! Might take up the offer though!
  4. I hate cleaning! Although it gives me a good reason to blast some Oasis out! Nothing more to add to that one!
  5. My mum just asked if my blog contains; 'why did the chicken cross the road?' jokes. Then stated that it was for a friend at work who would find them amusing... Hmmm

Alright I've wasted a good ten miinutes writing this blog so now I should go get on with the housework.

Leanne x

Cute picture... funny too!

Hehe I had to share these two pictures with ya! Not a big writing part for this one. So enjoy!

Aww adorable!

Lol No caption needed!

Funny? No?

Aerosmith kitty?

Caption contest... funniest caption gets a blog page devoted to them! So get posting!

Leanne x

New Name, New Appearance

So those of you who read reguarly or postly will notice that other the past day or two the blog name has changed from The True Gift to Little Laughs Of Life. Andd also the appearance has changed from yellow to purple! The reason behind all the changes is that I felt the blog name didnt make sense when compared to the material it was currently hosting. So here we are! New blog in fact! Heres to continuing with the blog!

Harry Potter Funnies!

With the up and coming Harry Potter release I thought I would just blog some funny pictures that I found and made me chuckle... Personally I love Harry Potter! But you gotta laugh at life aint ya! By the way go to this website, (click the word this), for funny Twilight and Harry Potter facebook status'! Its well worth a vist!

I know! Funnnyyy! I giggled alot at this one

Lol ok big fail! Although I wouldnt mind seeing that film!

To be honest... I wanted a lil ginger kitty cat and I wanted to call it Weasly :0D

Hope these three pictures made you smile or even giggle. They sure did me!

Leanne x

Tuesday 16 November 2010

My Top 5 Childrens Books

For those of you who don't know I am a fully qualified nursery nurse. Although I dont work with children now. But I do have a two year old nephew and a niece on the way. But as I went to college to study Childcare and Education it means that I had to read alot of childrens book during my practical sections of my "education". So here they are.. My top 5 childrens books which I recomend to every parent or guardian or even teachers!

Number One

Number Two

Number Three

 Number Four

Number Five

Secret Fact (which I guess isnt secret anymore); Personally I love all of these books! (As does my nephew!)

Leanne x

Charlie McDonnell

This was also on You Tube. But I liked this because its something any age can enjoy! I like his material so go on over to you tube and search for Charlie McDonnell or just click here for his you tube channel.

I'm pretty sure that this young guy is gonna be a heart throb for the young ladies out there!

Leanne x

Bert & Ernie - Ante Up

Last week on Rude Tube. They did Rude songs. Two songs on it made me giggle something funny. This one of them. Pure genius! I know I'm a little late in posting all of this but hey ho. I grew up watching Bert & Ernie! I had to share this with you so here it is Bert & Ernies Ante up!

Hehe I love it!! Hope you did too!

Leanne x

Monday 15 November 2010

James & Oliver Phelps!

Yes! Hotties! Recently... during and following a Harry Potter-athon... I realised that James & Oliver Phelps are more than a bit of eye candy! Although I do think these two young men are absoloutly georgous! Agree girls?? Hehe Anyway... new obsession!

Right on!


I Know its not just me whos thinkin' "Ohh sexy smiles!"

By the way looking for photos of James and Oliver was actually really fun! I was laughin so much, these guys look like they would be so much fun to hang out with!

Oh yes.. There both on Twitter ladies....

Enjoy Ladies!

Leanne x

Sunday 14 November 2010

Bo Burnham

About a year or so ago I came across a few videos on youtube. It was the musical comedy stylings of Bo Burnham who is now one of the fastest rising stars of his genre. Hes funny and also quite cute! I loved his material from day one so heres four videos of his. Two of his earliest ones and two of his newest! Enjoy!

Rehab Center For Fictional Characters

My Better Half

Words Words Words

Oh Bo

Leanne x

Thursday 11 November 2010

Rememberance Day

So as you all know today is rememberance day. I was just looking through facebook status' and I have to say I was suprised and felt my heart warmed at the amout of rememberance poems and messages on peoples profiles. Remember that today we aren't just remembering those from the 2nd world war, but also from the current war on terrorism, world war one and all of the battles that have gone before. Remember the men and women who gave and continue to give their lives to allow us to keep our freedom. Honour and respect those individuals and thier families. I personally am full of admeration and deep respect for all of them.

My Grandad Frank was a soilder. From what my mum told me, he dug out the trenches along the front line. My great uncle Doug was also a soilder. I'm not sure what his position was in the war but I have to say, I'm very proud of them both. I'm honoured to call myself his grand daughter.

My Grandad and Great Uncle Doug - Not very good quality picture
The second world war is something that has interested me since I was young. I  have since read and watched many documentries on the subject. I'm in awe at how people survived, how the soilders lived. How the women on the home front took on work loads and held together british society. The war to me was a true mark on humanity and civilization. The war was the hardest time to be living in. The people rallyed round, supported each other and every street was an extended family. They let the nazis know that they could not shake the foundations of a great nation.

I'm not a religious person but God bless the soilders who are out fighting for our freedom at this moment. God bless the souls of the fallen soilders and their families. God bless the soilder who have been injured service.

One of the local monuments - Buxton, Derbyshire, The Slopes

The memorial nearest to where I live. Built in 1924 - First world war

Forces grave yard - St. Marys Manby in Lincolnshire

Just a note to those who say that these men and women aren't heros just remember if you aren't willing to stand behind them and support them, feel free to stand in front of them!

Leanne x

Friday 5 November 2010

Puddles & Cars dont mix

Yesterday it was pooring down with rain. My mum, my sister, my nephew and myself were in the car. When my mum spotted a guy and a girl were walking along the pavement ahead. They didnt have coats on or anything. This is how the conversation went inside the car:

Mum: "They look wet dont they"

My sister: "Just a bit."


Me: "Well, they are now!"

We we're roaring with laughter. My mum didnt do it on purpose but it was funny. Thought I'd share that with you.

Leanne x

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Scottish Widows....

Ok I just saw an advert for Scottish Widows... Its a bank for everybody who doesnt know. It reminded me of something that made me howl with laughter. So anyway a few months ago my sister was round my house and the phone rang. She picked it up and this is how the conversation went.... (SWR = scottish widow representative).

My sister: "Hello...."

SWR: "Hello this is (cant remember her name) calling from Scottish Widows. Would you have a few moments to spare at the moment?"

My sister: "Why? Whats this call about?"

SWR: "Like I said im calling from scottish widows and would like to inform you of the offers we have currently in regarding to our excellent mortgages..."

 My sister: "Well, I'm not Scottish And I'm not a widow... so thanks but no thanks..."

I dont remember anything after that because I was laughing too hard... I'm going to have a wild guess that the person on the end of the phone was laughing pretty hard too!!

Leanne x

I promise... to work out more!

I cant count how many times I've made a promise to myself and then broken it because of one reason or another. I always keep promises I make to other people but the ones I make to myself just dont seem as important to me. It occured to me a few moments ago that I'm always promising something to myself and yet only 20% of what I promise myself actually happens. I keep telling myself I will get fit and start working out more. I start it and then something comes up and then I lose track. My mum would say its because I'm lazy. Secretly I'd agree with her but I'd never tell her so. The thing is, I like to sit and read... but I also like that rush you get after a work out. Ok so at first when you start out you dont get that rush its more of a gasping 'oh my goodness this is going to kill me!' sort of feeling, but then after a few times of doing it, it starts to feel better and you get the rush.

For the past two weeks I'v been ill on and off. With my back at first and then this week with an infection. Working out is what I've been thinking about and wanting to do but with being ill, you just dont feel like it. I am literally itching to get on the exercise bike... I mean it too! Tonight I've been fidgeting, restless and want to do something. So this is it. THE promise I am making to myself. Right here, right now. To all of you good people. I am going to start working out. Every 6 weeks I'll do an update blog on how its going. In adition to my other blog posts I mean. Anyway, I would like to know from you, (yes you, dear reader), what are your favourite ways of working out? What makes a work out seem less work for you? Are work out sessions quiet times to reflect and plan or time for pumpin' music and a energy fest?

Leanne x

Wednesday 13 October 2010


If you had asked me a year ago if I had regrets, I would have said yes I do. If you were to ask me that same question today... I know I dont have as many regrets as I thought I did. I know, and I'm not going to go in to it, that I did somethings I'm not particularly proud of but I dont regret them! I have learnt from my mistakes. I have grown from them. I understand so much more about life now than I did then. For example I now know that intensions, even if you have the best of them, dont actually mean anything. You could intend to make the world a better place.. intend to solve world hunger. But unless you actually physically do it, then it means nothing.

I know I've hurt people in my past. I wish I hadnt. But some of them, one in particular is an amazing person. Maybe the person I hurt the most was a guy who, at one time would have said I loved, I realise now it wasnt love. It was infatuation. I liked what he was not who he was. Thats something that suprises me as I normally go for personality! It taught me alot though if im honest. Trust. For one thing.

I remember a conversation between myself and my best friend. She was the girl who was afraid of comitment. I was the one who wanted comitment. Then we both went through relationships. Both of us got hurt. We went out to get drunk and I found myself hating comitment and she wanting nothing but. Roles reversed I guess. I think the one thing that  always kind of new was in me was that deep down I didnt trust anyone like that. Romantically I mean. I know now I dont really fully trust anyone romantically.

I guess its true what they say, the past is what makes you who you are in the present and even help shape you in the future!

Leanne x

Monday 4 October 2010

Times, Life and Desicions

Recently I've been under-going some counciling. As if you've read earlier blog posts by me, I've blogged before about depression. My depression in fact. Hence the reason for the councilng. So I've been writing more. I've decided to start an aditional blog for those stories or memories. This is just a heads up for the up and coming blog! I also have more for this blog... as this isnt stoping. But for now this will have to do. My sister is nagging me to make a hot chocolate! Yay me! Take care!

Leanne x

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Mail Order Husband?

I was recently watching a programe about mail order brides and it got me thinking. Are there mail order husband websites to? I decided to do a little research on the subject. Personally I'm not looking for a mail order husband but my curiosity was peaked, thus being the reason I have done a little bit of researched in to mail order husbands! So on my first search I found only one website, which seemed to be more of a joke than anything else!

On this particular website, I was looking through the "mail order husbands" and came across one guy from the USA. He specifically stated he was looking for a girl named "Julie". He said the reason was that he has a Julie tattoo and would like a girl to match it! He also said he would consider women who were willing to change their names! I couldnt help but laugh! Hence the reason I thought the website was a bit of a joke!

I continued my search in the role for truth and found another website that is a mail order bride and husband website. I finally found a website that seemed to be genuine. I looked through it and there actually seems to be a growing "industry". I know that there are people who would love to have a gander and maybe even look in to it more. So I will supply a link. But my quest to unearth the part truth about mail order husbands has been answered.

Leanne x

Thursday 5 August 2010

My Nephew Nate F L B

My nephew loves to dress up. His favourites inclued Bob the builder, a monkey, a DR, and a pirate! I shall put a picture of Nate as monkey up! He went to the zoo. He told tall tales of the animals. Then he laughed and said "monkeys were scary!". So cute!

My nephew is two years old, three in January. Hes such a funny little boy. Last saturday his dad (Craig) and his mum (my sister Adele) got married. For the photos he had to stand on the steps infront of Craig and Adele. Craigs mum gave Nate some confetti. He opened the box and began throwing it in the air then turned the box upside down and emptied it on the steps in front of himself. He then looked round and said, "Oh dear! Who made all this mess!". To the amusement of everyone stood watching the photos being taken!

Even thought Nate is only two he has good manners. Always says please and thankyou. He even says thankyou very much! I was talking to my mum the other day and I miss heard her, so I said, "What?". Natey quick as a flash told me, "No Aunty Anne, Its not what its pardon!". LOL being taught manners by a two year old!

Natey cant pronounce L's. So my name automatically becomes aunty weanne! Nate stayed over a few weeks ago and I had a pink nighty on. I went in to let him out of his cot and he said to me; "Aunty Ann! You wook wuvly!" Which just made me giggle! Anyway I just thought I would share that with you all! Love you Loads Ferg face! Aka Natey B!

Leanne x

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Danger Mouse!

I was just watching my all time favourite cartoon, Danger Mouse! I soooo want the box set! Maybe santa will bring it me if I'm a good girl! I love Penfold! Oh crumbs chief! LOL. Anyway I thought I would share an episode off youtube with you all! So here is DM - Custard! Enjoy!

Part one 

Part Two

Part Three

Leanne x

Poorly sick sick

On Saturday my sister got married. Yay! Finally! But the week leading up to the wedding my nephew Nate had a sickness and diarrhea virus thats going around. For the past two days it seems I have had it. Well the sickness that is. I feel like my chest is in a vice and my tummy is doing summer salts. By the way did I mention my head is swimming? Spent all of monday in bed too ill to move. Didnt eat a thing either until tuesday afternoon and then it was only one slice of toast. Anyway heres hoping it goes away soonies! Much loveage and well being wishes sent your way!

Leanne x

Sunday 1 August 2010

Congratulations Adele & Craig

My sisters wedding day! Shes finally going to be made an honest woman! It was a good day. Except if you count my dress fiasco! I wont go in to detail but I had to get changed straight after the service and photos and my exact words were; "give me the scissors and I'll cut the ~@*%er off!". Anyway my sister looked beautiful and my Nephew actually behaved himself! He looked dappa in his little suit! (dappa meaning handsom, smart etc). It was a long day but my sister enjoyed it all. The best men Dave and Dave, (yes confusing) did an excalent speech! Well done lads.

I got to spend a good hour or so with my god daughter. Loved seeing her! Shes growing up so quick and is such a beautiful little girl. Love you loads Mollie! Loved seeing the family also and some old friends. Will put up a photo of the bride and groom or maybe one of the bride n groom and best men or what ever! I'll see if I can find a good one!

From left to right we have:
Craig M, Scott, Dave B, Craig (the groom), Nate, Adele (bride obviously), Dave E, Walt, and John

Leanne x

Tuesday 27 July 2010

About Time Too!

I realise I havent blogged since June! I have come on a few times with the intention of blogging but been side tracked and distracted by other things. So, earlier in the year I stated that I was going to try and read as many books af possible so to update on that, at the moment the total stands at 33 books. Half way through another book called,  "The Pirates Daughter". I annoy myslef when reading. Especially if the characters have accents such as Jamaican or Irish or Scotish because I then have to sound it out in my head. Am I the only one who does that??

Any way I have another 14 books lines up to read before the year is out. I'd like to reach at least 50 books read by the end of the year but I dont know if thats possible for me! Well heres hoping. Can anyone recomend any books for me to read? I like alot of different genres.. but of course I do like a good romance. Just so you know my favourite books include... 10 Reasons Not To Fall In Love By Linda Green. Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. How I Live Now by Meg Rosoff, Of Mice and Men by John Stienbeck. etc.. so if you can recommend any books leave me a comment! Thanks

Leanne x

Thursday 24 June 2010

Jerry Springer Script!

Another one thats really old but all the same good fun! Heres mine for you all, try it yourself if you like by clicking the link down the bottom of this post!

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!

Jerry: Tonight on the Jerry Springer show we have a particularly interesting episode! Leanne is here to finally confess something to a long-time friend of hers, Louise. So everyone please put your hands together for Leanne.

Jerry: Okay, now Leanne you're here to talk about someone aren't you?

You: Yes.

Jerry: And what is this other persons name?

You: Mark.

The crowd SQUEALS with delight.

Jerry: Okay, okay, well Mark, is actually here tonight -

The crowd SQUEALS.

Jerry: But first we have a surprise for you Leanne, because as it happens there is someone else here to see YOU! So let's bring out... Amy !

You: What the HELL!!!

Out of nowhere you pull out a giant bunny. Amy reaches for the chair. Out of the shadows Taffie appears.

Taffie: Wait everybody wait!

Jerry: Yes, everybody let's just calm down for a moment here. First tell us why you're here Amy .

Amy : Because I saw Leanne and Taffie making out in the Coffee Shop!

The crowd goes absolutely INSANE.

Taffie: That's a lie! I was home watching The simpsons!

Jerry: (raising his hands) Hold on, hold on, I'm missing the problem here...what exactly IS the problem Amy ?

Amy : Because I've recently been taking part in a sexual relationship with Louise who has recently become engaged to Taffie.

The crowd hollers, screams and whoops in an orchestra of orgasmic excitement.

Jerry: Okay, okay. Well why don't we bring Louise out here because Leanne had something that they needed to tell them anyway about... Mark. That's right!

Louise: (enters onto stage and saunters over towards you) What's the deal? I saw you outside getting it on with Mark! You know how I feel about Mark!.

Taffie: (screams) What? Why the hell did you ask me to marry you if you're in love with Mark!

Louise: Because I knew that I could never have Mark. But Leanne promised me that they'd never hook up out of respect for my feelings!

Taffie: What about respect for MY feelings!

Amy walks suddenly across the stage, embracing Louise.

Amy : Don't worry baby, you don't need any of them now that you have me.

Again the crowd SQUEALS.

Taffie: Oh my God! Are you SICK!

Taffie runs across the room and wraps their arms around you tightly.

Taffie: Leanne take me away from all of this!

You: You see? That's the thing...I'm...well, I'm married...

The crowd does its bit.

Taffie: Married?

You nod.

Taffie: Who the hell are you married to? When...when did this happen? I don't understand!

You: The other day. In Vegas. I'm married to Mark.

Louise: (screaming) WHAT!!!

Jerry: (grinning widely, makes an enquiry) So...did you have a nice wedding night?

Mark: (stepping back out onto center stage) Well we had sex 13 times if that's what you mean.

The crowd squeals.

Jerry: Okay, okay. So let me get this all straight... Leanne is married to Mark who Louise has secretly been in love with for years and years. Now Louise has recently become engaged to Taffie who was recently spotted kissing Leanne in the Coffee Shop. Now on top of this Amy has just admitted to being in a sexual relationship with Louise.

Mark: That's right Jerry.

Jerry: (looking sternly into the camera) It is times like these that one has to wonder, whether or not these people are aware that they are quite clinically insane. Perhaps we should be spending more on psychiatric health funds in this country, perhaps we should just ban Vegas to cut down on impulse marriages. Perhaps I should get a new job. Thanks for watching folks it's been great but for's goodnight.

Queue cheesy background music and fade to black.

Link for your own scrpit:    Enjoy it!

Leanne x

Blind Man Bob says..

Years ago a friend gave me a link to a website to see what kind of personality I had. I just found the link for it and thought I would share my "now" personality profile with you, aswel as the link to test yourself. Have fun with it.. because it isnt meant to be taken seriously! Enjoy!

My own personality profile analysis:

Your personality gives you the desire to understand and to help others but, at the same time you can become too involved in their problems and, as a result, worry too much. You desire a home and family of your own and have the ability to create understanding and harmony in family association as you are pliable, forgiving, and tactful. You love children and would not hesitate to care for any children who might need you. Whenever possible, you avoid argument and turmoil because you prefer not to face an issue if it means hurting anyone's feelings. You shrink from sordidness and poverty because you feel very deeply for anyone in unfortunate circumstances. Though you recognize your responsibilities, you are inclined to put things off until you are forced to take action. If given the opportunity, you could develop musical and artistic abilities. Your personality is a fairly healthy influence, although it does not give you as much vitality as many people have. Any tension centres in the fluid functions causing overweight, varicose veins, swelling of the legs and ankles, kidney trouble, bladder trouble, or female problems.

Go to   Click on the male or female and then just follow the choices!

Leanne x

Baby Boom!

I realise I havent blogged propperly for a while so here it is. I dont really have much to blog about. My lifes been pretty boring... Over the last few weeks I've been recovering for a bad back and hip. Short story cut even shorter is that I did it carrying heavy boxes up and down stairs for a day and my back gave way. So other than that I havent been up to much. I tried that online shopping thing though. You know grocerie shopping. Quite good I must admit.

So future news.. the number of god children i have will be going up by two before this year is out. My bestfriend Kylie is having her second baby, due on the 31st December, (ok I know it might arrive after new years but heres fingers crossed). And my sister Adele is having her second baby too. Shes due on the 23rd of December. Congrats Kaz, Del n Craig. Alot of people seem to be pregnant at the moment, I know of at least 10 people who are. Must be something in the water? Note to self: Dont drink the water.

Anyway, thats all I've really got to say! Nothing much else has been happening! Pretty boring life when your injured! So, that leaves me to say that if you to are "expecting" then congratulations. If your trying then good luck. If kids arent your thing right on! Heehee! Take care!

Leanne x

Tuesday 22 June 2010

22 Fun Things To Do In A Lift!

I dare you, (yes you! Who ever you may be!), to try these out and tell me your story of it! Hehe!

1. Grimace painfully while smacking your forehead and muttering; "Shut up! Dammit! All of you just shut up!"

2. Whistle the first seven notes of 'Its a small world' incessantly

3. Crack open your briefcase or purse, and while peering inside ask; "Got enough air in there?"

4. Offer name tags to everyone getting on the lift. Wear yours upside down

5. Stand silent and motionless in the corner, facing the wall, without getting off!

6. When arriving at your floor, grunt and strain to pull the doors open, then act embarrassed when they open by themselves.

7. Greet everyone getting on the lift with a warm handshake and ask them to call you 'Admiral'

8. On the highest floor, hold the door open and demand that i stay open until you hear the penny you dropped down the shaft go 'plink' at the bottom

9. Stare, grinning, at the other passengers for a while and then announce; "I've got new socks on!"

10. Meow occasionally

11. Bet the other passengers you can fit a five pence piece in your nose

12. Walk on with a cooler that says; 'Human Head' on the side

13. Stare at another passenger for a while, then announce; "You're one of them!". And then move to the far corner of the lift

14. Wear a puppet on your hand and use it to talk to the other passengers.

15. When the lift is silent, look around and ask; "Is that your beeper?"

16. Say; "Ding!" at each floor

17. Say; "I wonder what these do" and push all the buttons

18. Listen to the lift walls with a stethoscope

19. Draw a little square on the floor in chalk and announce to the other passengers that this is your 'Personal space'

20. Announce in a demonic voice; "I must find a more suitable host body."

21. Make explosion noises when anyone presses a button

22. Wear 'x-ray specs' and lear suggestively at other passengers.

If you do try any of these out. Let me know, I'd love to know the out come.. Oh maybe video it and youtube?? Hehe have fun!

Leanne x

Men are like...

Men are like... Place mats... They only show up when theres food on the table

Men are like... Mascara... They run at the first sight of emotion

Men are like... Bike Helmets... Handy in an emergancy but otherwise look silly

Men are like... Parking Spaces... All the good ones are taken, the rest are taken

Men are like... Photocopiers... You need them for reproduction but thats it

Men are like... Lava Lamps... Fun to look at, but not at all bright

Men are like... Bank Accounts... Without alot of money, they dont generate much interest

Men are like... High Heels... They are easy to walk on once you get the hang of it

Men are like... Curling Irons... They are always hot, and always in your hair

Men are like... Mini Skirts... If your not careful, they'll creep up your legs

Men are like... Bananas... The older they get the less firm they are

Men are like... Coffee... The best ones are Rich, Warm, Full bodied and can keep you up all night long

Men are like... Chocolate Bars... Sweet, Smooth and they usually go straight to your hips

Men are like... Blenders... You need one but your not quite sure why

Men are like... Coolers... Load them with beer and you can take them anywhere

Men are like... Government Bonds... They take so long to mature

Men are like... Horoscopes... They always tell you what to do and are usually wrong

Men are like... Laxatives... They irritate the shit out of you

Men are like... Noodles... Always in hot water, lack taste and need dough

Men are like... Plungers... Spend most of their lives in hardware stores or the bathroom

Men are like... Popcorn... They satisfy you but only for a little while

Men are like... Used Cars... Both are easy to get, cheap and prove to be unreliable

Men are like... The Weather... Nothing can be done to change it

Hope you enjoyed it!

Leanne x

Friday 28 May 2010

Eva Cassidy sings my favourite poem!

Ages ago i blogged about a poem i fell in love with called A Red Red Rose by Robert Burns. I just found out that Eva Cassidy sings a version of this poem! Here it is, i just had to share this with you because its so beautiful!!

Hope you enjoyed it as much as me!

Leanne x

Saturday 27 March 2010

My Family Tree Mess

For about a year now I have been trying to do my family tree. I've hardly finished my aunts and uncles and cousins, let alone going back to grand parents and their bothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, mothers, fathers etc. I have a few pictures of my great grandma, great grandad, great great grandma and even one i beileve is my great great grandma. I'm really looking forward to finding out about my ansestors and what they did. Who they were and so on. I think its amazing to know about. History like this is interesting to me because its part of you. Even if you never met them, there still part of who you are because with out them, you wouldnt be here. I will let you know what I find out about my ansestors. Good day to you!

Leanne x

Wednesday 24 March 2010

Yellowcard! Amazing music!

So a few days ago I was on youtube doing my thing and watching random videos when I discovered a band called Yellowcard. I had never heard of them before. I heard their song Fighting and I just love it! I can listen to it over and over again and never get bored of it! I just wanted to share it with you. Its not an offical video. Its just one I got off youtube, it has lyrics with it! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

By the way Happy Ostara!

Leanne x

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Edgar Hansen F.V Northwestern

So for about a year i've been obsessed with The Deadliest Catch. I mean seriously obsessed! I had to watch it with out fail. I loved the Corneila Marie with the late Capt. Phil Harris. But my most favourite boat is the Northwestern! I have a picture with the current crew which I shall slot in here with their names in order from left to right.

Jake Anderson, Norman Hansen, Sig Hansen, Edgar Hansen, Matt Bradley

The only person who isnt on in this picture is Nick Mavar Jr. Now when I started watching DC I thought Sig was a bit of all right! And then I thought Jake was. Not that I still dont think Jake is Yummy! But it didnt last long because Edgar is now my favourite! I know alot of ladies think that and sorry ladies hes happily married with three kids! But i just wanted to put some pictures of Edgar up so you ladies can drool over him some more! Enjoy!

Can we say YUMMY!!

Leanne x

Monday 15 March 2010

The hardest thing about losing a friend

I just re-read a blog i wrote on the 28th November 2009 called 'Friend or Foe'. It got me thinking about that person in general. If im honest with myself I do miss her. Miss her daughter also, and her mum. And this is the reason for this blog. The hardest thing about losing a friend is re-adjusting. I mean i'm doubting myself for breaking a friendship which uptil a year ago i would have said is the best friendship ive ever had. But at the same time its a few months on and this person inparticular isnt really bothered that i am no longer around. It seems to me like i held the friendship in high regard and she thinks so little of the relationship we had that she hasnt batted an eye lid.

Am i stupid for doubting myself? More to the point am i stupid for wishing that there was something there to slavage? I like to think im a good friend but am i just a good friend in my own mind and no one elses? I mean, if i was that good of a friend wouldnt she want to be friends with me? Is that egotistical? By the way my brain just went haha testical!

Anyway like i was saying.. the thing that brought this friendship to an end was a stupid thing really. An arguement over who let who down more. I dont want to count the times when we've let each other down, it doesnt seem that important anymore. I found myself thinking of the memories and the previous arguments we had. The times reminicing over them and then laughing at how stupid we were to have argued over such trivial things in the first place. This doesnt seem like one of those times.

If fiendship was easy then the world would be boring. But in this case it ws never easy. Its like Lady gaga and beyonce once said:
Beyonce: "you know what they say Gaga, Trust is like a mirror. You can fix it if its broke.."
Gaga: "but you can still see the crack in that motherf**kers reflection".

I think this blog lost the point a little. But what im basically saying is friendships either grows stronger with each argument or sometimes, no matter how strong a relationship seems it can still be shook so violently that theres nothing left to build back up from. Is this the case here? Who knows. Am I wishing and hoping one day i wont be the only one who cares that this relationship as it sits broken and damaged seemingly beyond repair.. of course.

I wanted to share a poem about friendship which i personally think is beautiful.

"A friend is like a flower,
a rose to be exact,
Or maye like a brand new gate,
that never comes unlatched.
A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like a heart that goes
strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world,
if we didnt have a friend

By Adrianne S

Love your friends while you have the chance, you never know when they wont be around anymore! I wont say sorry because the way i see it i wasnt the only one who was in the wrong, but at the same time i seem to be the only one who cares. C'est la vie!

Leanne x