Sunday 1 August 2010

Congratulations Adele & Craig

My sisters wedding day! Shes finally going to be made an honest woman! It was a good day. Except if you count my dress fiasco! I wont go in to detail but I had to get changed straight after the service and photos and my exact words were; "give me the scissors and I'll cut the ~@*%er off!". Anyway my sister looked beautiful and my Nephew actually behaved himself! He looked dappa in his little suit! (dappa meaning handsom, smart etc). It was a long day but my sister enjoyed it all. The best men Dave and Dave, (yes confusing) did an excalent speech! Well done lads.

I got to spend a good hour or so with my god daughter. Loved seeing her! Shes growing up so quick and is such a beautiful little girl. Love you loads Mollie! Loved seeing the family also and some old friends. Will put up a photo of the bride and groom or maybe one of the bride n groom and best men or what ever! I'll see if I can find a good one!

From left to right we have:
Craig M, Scott, Dave B, Craig (the groom), Nate, Adele (bride obviously), Dave E, Walt, and John

Leanne x

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