Wednesday 3 November 2010

Scottish Widows....

Ok I just saw an advert for Scottish Widows... Its a bank for everybody who doesnt know. It reminded me of something that made me howl with laughter. So anyway a few months ago my sister was round my house and the phone rang. She picked it up and this is how the conversation went.... (SWR = scottish widow representative).

My sister: "Hello...."

SWR: "Hello this is (cant remember her name) calling from Scottish Widows. Would you have a few moments to spare at the moment?"

My sister: "Why? Whats this call about?"

SWR: "Like I said im calling from scottish widows and would like to inform you of the offers we have currently in regarding to our excellent mortgages..."

 My sister: "Well, I'm not Scottish And I'm not a widow... so thanks but no thanks..."

I dont remember anything after that because I was laughing too hard... I'm going to have a wild guess that the person on the end of the phone was laughing pretty hard too!!

Leanne x

1 comment:

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