Thursday 18 November 2010

A Few Small Things

I just wanted to do a little blog inbetween house work... yeah I know right... borrring! Anyway here are the little small things on my mind at the present;

  1. This book counting thing I'm doing. (FYI I'm seeing how many books I can read in a year, its at 50-something now). Anyway, do you think I should count childrens books? If so I should add about 100 to my total.. or do you think thats cheating??
  2. Have you had one of those moments of.... Oh my goodness, why on earth did I say that? Im having one of those moments/days! Its so... cringe worthy!
  3. I had an email earlier about sponsorship. For a cook wear manufactuoror. The email said my blog has things in common with the website... ok yes I did once post a picture of a rice pudidng I made myself. But I am no culinary Godess! Might take up the offer though!
  4. I hate cleaning! Although it gives me a good reason to blast some Oasis out! Nothing more to add to that one!
  5. My mum just asked if my blog contains; 'why did the chicken cross the road?' jokes. Then stated that it was for a friend at work who would find them amusing... Hmmm

Alright I've wasted a good ten miinutes writing this blog so now I should go get on with the housework.

Leanne x

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