Wednesday 13 October 2010


If you had asked me a year ago if I had regrets, I would have said yes I do. If you were to ask me that same question today... I know I dont have as many regrets as I thought I did. I know, and I'm not going to go in to it, that I did somethings I'm not particularly proud of but I dont regret them! I have learnt from my mistakes. I have grown from them. I understand so much more about life now than I did then. For example I now know that intensions, even if you have the best of them, dont actually mean anything. You could intend to make the world a better place.. intend to solve world hunger. But unless you actually physically do it, then it means nothing.

I know I've hurt people in my past. I wish I hadnt. But some of them, one in particular is an amazing person. Maybe the person I hurt the most was a guy who, at one time would have said I loved, I realise now it wasnt love. It was infatuation. I liked what he was not who he was. Thats something that suprises me as I normally go for personality! It taught me alot though if im honest. Trust. For one thing.

I remember a conversation between myself and my best friend. She was the girl who was afraid of comitment. I was the one who wanted comitment. Then we both went through relationships. Both of us got hurt. We went out to get drunk and I found myself hating comitment and she wanting nothing but. Roles reversed I guess. I think the one thing that  always kind of new was in me was that deep down I didnt trust anyone like that. Romantically I mean. I know now I dont really fully trust anyone romantically.

I guess its true what they say, the past is what makes you who you are in the present and even help shape you in the future!

Leanne x


  1. i will never understand boys! im like your friend and can't stick commitment! so rite now im alone D': and single.
    what happened wit u and that boy? mayb u could get bak together?

  2. Hey Thanks for reading. Being single is the best.. no one to answer to for one thing. It was an old relationship by now standards. About 2/3 years ago now. I believe he lives abroad now. Didnt keep in touch and I wouldnt want to either come to that lol

  3. aw no! :( why did u 2 break up?

  4. Alot of different reasons really. Most importantly he wasnt the person i thought he was n i wasnt the person he thought/wanted me to be. no big deal tho it wasnt a loss at the end of the day
