Wednesday 25 August 2010

Mail Order Husband?

I was recently watching a programe about mail order brides and it got me thinking. Are there mail order husband websites to? I decided to do a little research on the subject. Personally I'm not looking for a mail order husband but my curiosity was peaked, thus being the reason I have done a little bit of researched in to mail order husbands! So on my first search I found only one website, which seemed to be more of a joke than anything else!

On this particular website, I was looking through the "mail order husbands" and came across one guy from the USA. He specifically stated he was looking for a girl named "Julie". He said the reason was that he has a Julie tattoo and would like a girl to match it! He also said he would consider women who were willing to change their names! I couldnt help but laugh! Hence the reason I thought the website was a bit of a joke!

I continued my search in the role for truth and found another website that is a mail order bride and husband website. I finally found a website that seemed to be genuine. I looked through it and there actually seems to be a growing "industry". I know that there are people who would love to have a gander and maybe even look in to it more. So I will supply a link. But my quest to unearth the part truth about mail order husbands has been answered.

Leanne x

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