Monday 6 December 2010

All Of The Unsaid Things

(Running through my head, running through my head)

When I love you, I love you unconditionally. When I like you, I tolerate your faults. When I dislike you, I distance myself. And when I hate you I imagine you and me in my head. I tell you all the hurtful things about you. But I'll never speak them to you. I wouldn't want to hurt you like you do me. Weakness? No. Strength. I forgive your hurtful ways time after time. Believe me, it takes strength to forgive some one. Especially for the umpteenth time. I may cut you out of my life for short periods of time but I'll always accept you back, your my partner in crime. If I didnt accept you back I'd have to kill you, you know too much!

(Sometimes I blog like this. The truthful all knowing heart of me. In the wee small hours of the morning when my heads whirring and I'm trying to get to sleep but cant. So insted I grab a pen and paper and jot down my thoughts. Its easier to clear my mind and then easier to get to sleep. Kind of like getting things off my chest, so to speak.)

Disclaimer: I would never kill anyone. Used above is a figure of speach! Thank you!

Leanne x

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