Saturday 28 November 2009


My dad and Aunt died of cancer. And I want to share this with you all out there. If you know someone who has or has had cancer then this is for you. If you have cancer this is for you also, and let me wish you a healthy recovery and a long and happy future.

Cancer is so limited that:
It cannot cripple love
It cannot shatter hope
It cannot corrode faith
It cannot destroy peace
It cannot kill friendship
It cannot suppress memories
It cannot silence courage
It cannot invade the soul
It cannot steal eternal life
It cannot conquer the spirit

I also want to share this serenity prayer with you too, something I live by these days:

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And wisdom to know the difference

God bless and Good luck!

Leanne x

Friend or Foe

Recently I lost a "good" friendship and it got me thinking. This friendship in question, well, we had been friends since we were about 9 years old (21 now). But for the past year I felt she only called me when she wanted something, I felt unapreciated in anything I did for her and I felt second best. I think im worth more than that. I told her how I felt after one of the many times she let me down, truth be told she let my sister and her son down not me as she was going to my sisters to see Nate, my nephew and didnt show or answer her phone when we called. But anyway, I told her how I felt and she responded with "grow up".

To which i replied, that if she one day soon found out that she valued our friendship or actually cared to text me and let me know. To be honest with you all, She had a baby in October 2008. She had to move away from buxton to a village about 10 minutes away. I helped her move there and decorate! I went down to see her when ever I could. I stayed with her over night when she was feeling lonely or a little low. I was there for her when no one else wanted to be, and what did I want in return? Maybe a thankyou, or even a phone call once in a while to ask how im doing for a change. Or even an invite on a night out. But none of that happened even when she moved back to Buxton. To a flat where, once again I helped her move, I helped her decorate! She did call me once though, to baby sit so she could go out.

Is it so much to ask for a "how are you?" or even "Do you fancy a dvd night?". It seems so.

Leanne x

The Georgous Dawn French

I personally love Dawn French! I think she is a brilliant comedy genius! I think I am like her in some ways. In others not so much. The thing I love about Dawn is her humour. And the fact that she is a bigger woman who loves life! She has her own clothing label for bigger ladies. Of course when you say Dawn French people think or The Vicar of Dibley (one of my all time favourite tv series - I love it that much I have the complete works of the show), French and Saunders, Jam in Jerusalem, and many more.

Dawn is the ultimate in fabolous. An amazing lady and one of my idols!

Two of my favourite Dawn quotes:

  • I am not, I repeat, NOT a lesbian - even though I'd like to be one when I grow up.
  • I keep my own personality in a cupboard under the stairs at home so that no one else can see it or nick it.
I read Dawn's biography last year and i was captivated by her. Dear Fatty is an amazing insight. I liked learning about her and her family and their past. I loved her stories and thought she had recalled some warm and tender moments with her dad that, lets be frank, made me wheep like a little girl. God bless Dawn French and may she carry on for many, many years!
Leanne x

Lady Baby

About two weeks ago now, one of our family dogs was saddly put to sleep. She was very old, and in the last two months of her life she has lost alot of weight and went blind due to diabetes. In her last 24 hours she struggled to walk and stand. She lost interest in eating. All she wanted to do was lay down. We wernt sure if se would make it through the night. She did, although unfortunatly when my mum went to check on her at 7am, she was convulsing. Due to that she could have had brain damage. There was no chance of recovery for her and the best thing to do was to put her to sleep.

Lady will be missed. She was a happy dog with big brown eyes who was always there when you were feeling down. She'd lay with you and knew if you wernt feeling well. Lady we love you Rest in peace baby.

Most Haunted Live April 2010

For those who dont know, Most Haunted is a UK television programe that is shown around the world and is a cult hit! A team of investigators travel to some of the worlds most rumoured haunted places and carry out investigations! This years halloween special (2009 The Eight Faces Of Evil) was carried out in Morecambe Winter Gardens and buildings in the surrounding area. (Visit the website at:
The team was as follows;

  • Yevette Feilding - Presenter/Investigator
  • Karl Beetie - Director/Producer/Camera/Investigator
  • Paul Ross - Host
  • Chris Conway - Medium
  • Billy Roberts - Medium
  • Dr John Callow - Historian
  • Dr Ciaran O'Keeffe - Parapsychologist
  • Stuart Torevell - Rigger/camera/Investigator
  • Cath Howe - Make up/Investigator
  • Julian Clegg - Interactive host
  • Brian Shepherd - Psychic artist
  • Fred Batt - Demonologist
  • Matt Chance - Sound/Investigator
  • Simon Lucas - Camera/Investigator

    In April 2010 the Most Haunted Live team are coming to Buxton, Derbyshire! And I have front row centre isle tickets!! I cant tell you how excited I am! I'm counting the days.. today its 146 days until Most Haunted live! I'm not sure if this is going to be a televised Most Haunted live or weather its just part of a tour to bring the nation together and give them the chance to take part in a paranormal investigation! Which ever it is, I cant wait! I want it here NOW! I'm like a spolit child at christmas.
    I am a true believer of the paranormal, and would love to go on investigations. I'd love to become part of the Most Haunted team but that is never going to happen! By the way can I just say Matt Chance.. Yummy!! And of course Simon is yummy too! Where was I? Oh yes, a believer in the paranormal. The best Most Haunted Live for me was Denbigh Asylum in Wales (Village of the Damned). I enjoyed that so much and had alot of paranormal activity at home. Such as freezing cold spots even though I had a hoody on and the central heating. Goose bumps. Whispers. And at one point I found my bedroom light on even though I was the only one in the house and hadnt been up stairs since lunch time!
    So on the 22nd April 2010 Most Haunted is at Buxton Opera House! Get your tickets while you can! Yipie!
    Leanne x

Friday 27 November 2009

An Insight To My Insanity!

I will be the first to say that I have moments of insanity.. such as ten minutes ago I had this conversation with a friend:

Me: A zoo with penguins dressed up as pirates on a huge pirate ship waddling around going, "Arr me harty!" and "Shiver me timbers!"

Kerry: Have you been drinking?

Me: Nope lol it was a dream I had :0D

Kerry: I want to live in your head! Can I?

Me: Theres not much space in there what with the insanity and penguins! Not to forget the man eating lions with fluffy party hats and old english accents!

So there you have it! I am officially insane! But I dont suffer from insanity... i enjoy every minute of it!

OMG! I just found a totally cool picture! This proves that penguin pirate are real! And there going to take over the earth! Run for your liveeeeeeeeeeees! Okay, okay.. walk quickly!

Leanne x

Early Festivities!

I know a few people who have already put their xmas decs up! To answer your question; yes, I am surrounded by crazy people! Why now? Its November.. maybe these people didn't get the memo?? I'd personally get sick of them by the 15th of December. My date for putting up the decs! Although tonight I have had to fight the urge to put the decs up! The result of watching christmas movies! So insted I decided to eat a chocolate santa and watch some more tv. I might put the decs up a little earlier this year. Around the 5th. But I am a Scrooge! Cant help it, its rare that I enjoy christmas. But I guess im sort of looking toward somethings this christmas. I havent a clue why though! So if your putting your christmas decs up today or very soon (not december) i hope you enjoy them you crazy crazy person!

Leanne x

A Red, Red Rose

A Red, Red Rose By Robert Burns

"My love is like a red, red rose
That's newly sprung in June:
My love is like the melody
That's sweetly played in tune.

As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,
So deep in love am I:
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear
And the rocks melt wi' the sun:
And I will love thee still, my dear,
While the sands o' life shall run.

And fare thee weel, my only love,
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my love,
Thou' it were ten thousand mile."

This poem is one of my all time favourites! If a guy wanted me to go weak at the knees he should probably recite or even write a poem like this! I'm not a romantic person but this poem is lovely. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed sharing it with you!

Leanne x

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Here and Now!

I feel like doing a blog soooo here it is! I'm probably one of the people who goes "nobody reads this stuff" but hey i write my blogs because it an escape of feelings. Its how i get all my thoughts together and decide whats important and what isnt! Which brings me to the point of this blog.. what is important in my life right now? Alot of things really, from the whole needing a job issue to the fact i love my nephew!

A month or so ago we had a scare with my nephew and his health. As i have said in other blogs, i have suffered from depression for many years. Over the past year i've worked to combat my depression and my nephew played a big part in that. Hes one of the very few things that makes me happy. The other day he was running around with out a nappy on having "free time". My dog was on the floor just laying there. He fell over near her head, stood up and told us she licked his bum. Then he bent over and slowly backed towards her saying, "Lick! Bum! Lick!". Neadless to say i fell over laughing! He coppied me and fell over pretending to laugh. One of the many funny things hes done.

Familys so imporatant. I dont understand these people who say they want to see their relatives but just dont get round to it. Lifes to short not to love, and to not let the people you love know. Too short to dwell on stupid little things, or to just enjoy the moment. I know for a fact in the past i've held back because of being scared to be myself or scared of rejection or failure. Scared to the best i can be. Lately i've been trying to just go for it, but its not as easy to put in to practice as it is to say. It's a hard thing to put your trust in to other people, but its just as hard to trust yourself. Sounds stupid i know, but seriously think about it! Strange, huh?

Its only November but i've already made promises to myself, im not typing them here, yet atleast. Maybe in the new year i will unveil my plans. For now though my blogging session is over. So peace and love to you, stay safe and live life to the full

Leanne x

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Tonight Lyrics

I wrote this in memory of the people i've lost, such as my dad, gran, brother etc. And I hope it makes you think of the people who you've lost.

I know I aint done you proud but im trying my best
I know in this life it seems like im blessed
But you dont know the stress inside this chest
Or the feelings I hold man im so depressed
Im trying to be strong but im pushin the wall
Theres no one round to catch me when I fall
Doing what you told me ima hold my head up tall
But when times get hard who do I call
Who do I talk to when the nights get lonely

And my mind skits when I think if only
You were here today would things be different
Would I smile the same would I feel the torment
Would we be happy would things feel the same
Would I still be the one who holds all the blame

If I could have just one more night
I know things would be alright
No more worries no more fights
It would be just me and you tonight

When I think of you my eyes begin to tear
Not being able to see you is a fact I cant bare
And I look at your picture man this is so unfair
So I close my eyes and say a lil prayer
I know your close and that your never really gone
But when you died I just wanted to run
And never look back the pain was too much
Reaching out my hand but theres nothin to touch
You were the one I looked on and admired
To be like you someday I really aspired
You taught me things I never would have known
And because of you my heart has grown
I owe you so much how can I repay the debt
All the things you were I'll never forget

If I could have just one more night
I know things would be alright
No more worries no more fights
It would be just me and you tonight

Remembering all the times we spent together
Laughing and crying what ever the weather
The comfort we had coz we made it through
Back then I couldnt imagen me without you
But now I have to I dont have a choice
Every single day I wish I could hear your voice
Calling my name and laughing out loud
Man I just wish I could tell you im so proud
Proud to say I knew you I hold you dear
No matter where you are, how far or near
Your in my heart and thats a special space
Because no one could ever take your place
As time goes on through all of the days
Just know i'll be remembering you always

If I could have just one more night
I know things would be alright
No more worries no more fights
It would be just me and you tonight

Leanne x