Friday 27 November 2009

An Insight To My Insanity!

I will be the first to say that I have moments of insanity.. such as ten minutes ago I had this conversation with a friend:

Me: A zoo with penguins dressed up as pirates on a huge pirate ship waddling around going, "Arr me harty!" and "Shiver me timbers!"

Kerry: Have you been drinking?

Me: Nope lol it was a dream I had :0D

Kerry: I want to live in your head! Can I?

Me: Theres not much space in there what with the insanity and penguins! Not to forget the man eating lions with fluffy party hats and old english accents!

So there you have it! I am officially insane! But I dont suffer from insanity... i enjoy every minute of it!

OMG! I just found a totally cool picture! This proves that penguin pirate are real! And there going to take over the earth! Run for your liveeeeeeeeeeees! Okay, okay.. walk quickly!

Leanne x

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