Thursday 31 December 2009

Dear Dad...

Dear Dad,

I know your looking down on us, and that you know i miss you. Its new years eve, and well i just wanted to write to you. I was talking with Adele the other day about old christmases and memories. How she'd had an automatic response to opening presents. Every time she ripped the paper off she'd say "just what i always wanted". Even if she didnt know what it was. Christmas is the worst time of year for me. Its a time for love and family and friends. Not that the rest of the year isnt. Its just greatly exagerated and emphasised. The last christmas we had with you wasnt a happy one. For reasons i wont go in to here. I know the reasons may look clear. But now looking back i realise how much pain you must have been in. That tears me up inside. I wish i could have done more for you. I wish you were still here. Sometimes i think ive forgotton what your voice sounds like. When im upset and wish i could just hug my dad. It hurts because your not here. I dont have blame for that. Its not your fault your not here. Its just the way things had to be. I'm happy that your not in pain anymore, and that your happy. I've never told anyone this but, the night you died i didnt give you a hug and tell you i loved you because i was in a bad mood. That tortures me inside. I never got to tell you i love you. Although im sure you know that i do. Dad your my hero. I love you and i miss you. I hope you and Gary are happy. Happy New Year my dear Dad and Brother. Your both loved and remembered everyday!

Your loving Daughter always, Leanne xxxxx

My Dad. R.I.P

Me and my dad!

P.S. Unfortunatly I have no photos of my brother.

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