Thursday 31 December 2009

Happy New Year to you

Hello to you, the reader. I hope you have had a wonderful christmas and that Santa has brought you all you wished for. I havent blogged for a while, so i thought i would get one going on now. I was given a diary for christmas, and i never normally keep a diary. Not for the lack of trying. I just forget to write in it and then when i come to remember to write in it, i cant remember whats been happening. I'm quite useless really. But as i was saying, my aunt gave me a diary, not a posh smart one, just a bog standard diary. So far so good.

There are a few things i've decided to do this year. (2010). There not new years resolutions, but just things that i am going to try and do. Things like;

  1. Believe in myself more.

  2. Try to worry less and live more.

  3. Try to be more generous. Charity work etc.
  4. Blood donation. First appointment is on the 11th Jan 2010!

You know the sort of things. The things that on my part only need time and a bit of effort. Its a good feeling knowing you've helped someone and wanting nothing in return.

I'm hoping 2010 is going to be the back drop to bigger and better things for me. 2009 hasnt been a walk in the park, so many disapointments, fallings outs, and in general bad karma.

So to you dear reader, have a wonderful night, and a very happy new year!

Leanne x

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