Thursday 7 January 2010

Future and goals

I thought i would just take a few moments to blog. So i've made myself a hot chocolate and logged on here. So Lets start with Happy New Year to you! I hope you have a good year so far! I had made one promise to myself this year. Well i say promise its more of a goal. I am going to read as many books as i can this year. I'm half way through my fifth at the moment. As you can tell so far so good!

I'd just like to say happy 90th birthday to my nan. It was two days ago but still!

Oh yeah on the 11th of this month (January), theres a blood donation session in my area. I have made an appointment. Some people would be nervous but im excited. Is that weird? I'm looking forward to it. I mean i see it as doing something that could save lives. All it is for me is a needle and a little while to relax. Anyway, back to the house work now i think. Might blog later!

Leanne x

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