Tuesday 15 December 2009

Katie; November 07 2009

I was just on one of my blogs... I dont use it anymore so dont worry your not missing much. Anyway I found a post of mine that I would like to share. I wrote it on November 07 2009. Here it is:

"I was just chilling watching top gear when I suddenly realised that I hadnt blogged in a while. Lately there have been a few things on my mind. Like friendship and basic human nature. And also channel 4's Katie; my beautiful face. I'm at a loss for words about that. Katie is beautiful, the guys that did that to her are scum. I personally think life in prison should mean life in prison and not 16 years.. that isnt life! She's a strong woman and I have so much respect for her! I cant imagen what it was like to be her. Or dealing with all the emotions that come along with an ordeal like she has been through. Amazing and inspiring!

Ok, friendship... now let me just say 3 weeks ago I "cut" away dead weight. In other words I said goodbye to someone I considered a good friend. Basically because I felt used and unapreciated and when confronted with this she wasnt botherd, soild proof to me that she was using me to gain her own ends. So what is friendship? What does it mean? What do u expect from a friend? Im not sure anymore. I make it a point to help my friends when ever I can. Im there for my friends when they need to talk things through. And I tell them the truth, even if the truth hurts. Isnt that what a true friend does? Tells you the truth and not what you want to hear. I mean if I put on a top that didnt suit me and asked a friend what she thought, if she said it looked nice and I found out it didnt id be vexed at her for lying to me.

Plus no one likes to be lied to. I always think that the worst thing about being lied to is that you just simply werent worth the truth. Problem is there are so many dishonest people and so many people who use others. As each day goes by i think the world gets worse and worse. Less of humanity and more of animal instinct. You know, dog eat dog. Only youth killing youths. It seems like the only time violence will end is when the last human dies. I think we all forgot that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Or maybe its because of the lack of vision that we simply cant see what were doing to each other.

An eye for an eye... is the world doomed?"

So there it is guys! In relation to the friendship issue I;ve already blogged about it fully. See the earlier blog called 'Friend or Foe'.

Leanne x

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