Friday 19 November 2010

Chlidren In Need

Well another year of children in need is here. So to donate you can call:
 0345 7 33 22 33

Its a great cause so give generously. To find out all about Children In Need just click the link (the big words). There are more ways of donating also listed on the website!

Leanne x

Thursday 18 November 2010

A Few Small Things

I just wanted to do a little blog inbetween house work... yeah I know right... borrring! Anyway here are the little small things on my mind at the present;

  1. This book counting thing I'm doing. (FYI I'm seeing how many books I can read in a year, its at 50-something now). Anyway, do you think I should count childrens books? If so I should add about 100 to my total.. or do you think thats cheating??
  2. Have you had one of those moments of.... Oh my goodness, why on earth did I say that? Im having one of those moments/days! Its so... cringe worthy!
  3. I had an email earlier about sponsorship. For a cook wear manufactuoror. The email said my blog has things in common with the website... ok yes I did once post a picture of a rice pudidng I made myself. But I am no culinary Godess! Might take up the offer though!
  4. I hate cleaning! Although it gives me a good reason to blast some Oasis out! Nothing more to add to that one!
  5. My mum just asked if my blog contains; 'why did the chicken cross the road?' jokes. Then stated that it was for a friend at work who would find them amusing... Hmmm

Alright I've wasted a good ten miinutes writing this blog so now I should go get on with the housework.

Leanne x

Cute picture... funny too!

Hehe I had to share these two pictures with ya! Not a big writing part for this one. So enjoy!

Aww adorable!

Lol No caption needed!

Funny? No?

Aerosmith kitty?

Caption contest... funniest caption gets a blog page devoted to them! So get posting!

Leanne x

New Name, New Appearance

So those of you who read reguarly or postly will notice that other the past day or two the blog name has changed from The True Gift to Little Laughs Of Life. Andd also the appearance has changed from yellow to purple! The reason behind all the changes is that I felt the blog name didnt make sense when compared to the material it was currently hosting. So here we are! New blog in fact! Heres to continuing with the blog!

Harry Potter Funnies!

With the up and coming Harry Potter release I thought I would just blog some funny pictures that I found and made me chuckle... Personally I love Harry Potter! But you gotta laugh at life aint ya! By the way go to this website, (click the word this), for funny Twilight and Harry Potter facebook status'! Its well worth a vist!

I know! Funnnyyy! I giggled alot at this one

Lol ok big fail! Although I wouldnt mind seeing that film!

To be honest... I wanted a lil ginger kitty cat and I wanted to call it Weasly :0D

Hope these three pictures made you smile or even giggle. They sure did me!

Leanne x

Tuesday 16 November 2010

My Top 5 Childrens Books

For those of you who don't know I am a fully qualified nursery nurse. Although I dont work with children now. But I do have a two year old nephew and a niece on the way. But as I went to college to study Childcare and Education it means that I had to read alot of childrens book during my practical sections of my "education". So here they are.. My top 5 childrens books which I recomend to every parent or guardian or even teachers!

Number One

Number Two

Number Three

 Number Four

Number Five

Secret Fact (which I guess isnt secret anymore); Personally I love all of these books! (As does my nephew!)

Leanne x

Charlie McDonnell

This was also on You Tube. But I liked this because its something any age can enjoy! I like his material so go on over to you tube and search for Charlie McDonnell or just click here for his you tube channel.

I'm pretty sure that this young guy is gonna be a heart throb for the young ladies out there!

Leanne x

Bert & Ernie - Ante Up

Last week on Rude Tube. They did Rude songs. Two songs on it made me giggle something funny. This one of them. Pure genius! I know I'm a little late in posting all of this but hey ho. I grew up watching Bert & Ernie! I had to share this with you so here it is Bert & Ernies Ante up!

Hehe I love it!! Hope you did too!

Leanne x

Monday 15 November 2010

James & Oliver Phelps!

Yes! Hotties! Recently... during and following a Harry Potter-athon... I realised that James & Oliver Phelps are more than a bit of eye candy! Although I do think these two young men are absoloutly georgous! Agree girls?? Hehe Anyway... new obsession!

Right on!


I Know its not just me whos thinkin' "Ohh sexy smiles!"

By the way looking for photos of James and Oliver was actually really fun! I was laughin so much, these guys look like they would be so much fun to hang out with!

Oh yes.. There both on Twitter ladies....

Enjoy Ladies!

Leanne x

Sunday 14 November 2010

Bo Burnham

About a year or so ago I came across a few videos on youtube. It was the musical comedy stylings of Bo Burnham who is now one of the fastest rising stars of his genre. Hes funny and also quite cute! I loved his material from day one so heres four videos of his. Two of his earliest ones and two of his newest! Enjoy!

Rehab Center For Fictional Characters

My Better Half

Words Words Words

Oh Bo

Leanne x

Thursday 11 November 2010

Rememberance Day

So as you all know today is rememberance day. I was just looking through facebook status' and I have to say I was suprised and felt my heart warmed at the amout of rememberance poems and messages on peoples profiles. Remember that today we aren't just remembering those from the 2nd world war, but also from the current war on terrorism, world war one and all of the battles that have gone before. Remember the men and women who gave and continue to give their lives to allow us to keep our freedom. Honour and respect those individuals and thier families. I personally am full of admeration and deep respect for all of them.

My Grandad Frank was a soilder. From what my mum told me, he dug out the trenches along the front line. My great uncle Doug was also a soilder. I'm not sure what his position was in the war but I have to say, I'm very proud of them both. I'm honoured to call myself his grand daughter.

My Grandad and Great Uncle Doug - Not very good quality picture
The second world war is something that has interested me since I was young. I  have since read and watched many documentries on the subject. I'm in awe at how people survived, how the soilders lived. How the women on the home front took on work loads and held together british society. The war to me was a true mark on humanity and civilization. The war was the hardest time to be living in. The people rallyed round, supported each other and every street was an extended family. They let the nazis know that they could not shake the foundations of a great nation.

I'm not a religious person but God bless the soilders who are out fighting for our freedom at this moment. God bless the souls of the fallen soilders and their families. God bless the soilder who have been injured service.

One of the local monuments - Buxton, Derbyshire, The Slopes

The memorial nearest to where I live. Built in 1924 - First world war

Forces grave yard - St. Marys Manby in Lincolnshire

Just a note to those who say that these men and women aren't heros just remember if you aren't willing to stand behind them and support them, feel free to stand in front of them!

Leanne x

Friday 5 November 2010

Puddles & Cars dont mix

Yesterday it was pooring down with rain. My mum, my sister, my nephew and myself were in the car. When my mum spotted a guy and a girl were walking along the pavement ahead. They didnt have coats on or anything. This is how the conversation went inside the car:

Mum: "They look wet dont they"

My sister: "Just a bit."


Me: "Well, they are now!"

We we're roaring with laughter. My mum didnt do it on purpose but it was funny. Thought I'd share that with you.

Leanne x

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Scottish Widows....

Ok I just saw an advert for Scottish Widows... Its a bank for everybody who doesnt know. It reminded me of something that made me howl with laughter. So anyway a few months ago my sister was round my house and the phone rang. She picked it up and this is how the conversation went.... (SWR = scottish widow representative).

My sister: "Hello...."

SWR: "Hello this is (cant remember her name) calling from Scottish Widows. Would you have a few moments to spare at the moment?"

My sister: "Why? Whats this call about?"

SWR: "Like I said im calling from scottish widows and would like to inform you of the offers we have currently in regarding to our excellent mortgages..."

 My sister: "Well, I'm not Scottish And I'm not a widow... so thanks but no thanks..."

I dont remember anything after that because I was laughing too hard... I'm going to have a wild guess that the person on the end of the phone was laughing pretty hard too!!

Leanne x

I promise... to work out more!

I cant count how many times I've made a promise to myself and then broken it because of one reason or another. I always keep promises I make to other people but the ones I make to myself just dont seem as important to me. It occured to me a few moments ago that I'm always promising something to myself and yet only 20% of what I promise myself actually happens. I keep telling myself I will get fit and start working out more. I start it and then something comes up and then I lose track. My mum would say its because I'm lazy. Secretly I'd agree with her but I'd never tell her so. The thing is, I like to sit and read... but I also like that rush you get after a work out. Ok so at first when you start out you dont get that rush its more of a gasping 'oh my goodness this is going to kill me!' sort of feeling, but then after a few times of doing it, it starts to feel better and you get the rush.

For the past two weeks I'v been ill on and off. With my back at first and then this week with an infection. Working out is what I've been thinking about and wanting to do but with being ill, you just dont feel like it. I am literally itching to get on the exercise bike... I mean it too! Tonight I've been fidgeting, restless and want to do something. So this is it. THE promise I am making to myself. Right here, right now. To all of you good people. I am going to start working out. Every 6 weeks I'll do an update blog on how its going. In adition to my other blog posts I mean. Anyway, I would like to know from you, (yes you, dear reader), what are your favourite ways of working out? What makes a work out seem less work for you? Are work out sessions quiet times to reflect and plan or time for pumpin' music and a energy fest?

Leanne x