Thursday 31 December 2009

Dear Dad...

Dear Dad,

I know your looking down on us, and that you know i miss you. Its new years eve, and well i just wanted to write to you. I was talking with Adele the other day about old christmases and memories. How she'd had an automatic response to opening presents. Every time she ripped the paper off she'd say "just what i always wanted". Even if she didnt know what it was. Christmas is the worst time of year for me. Its a time for love and family and friends. Not that the rest of the year isnt. Its just greatly exagerated and emphasised. The last christmas we had with you wasnt a happy one. For reasons i wont go in to here. I know the reasons may look clear. But now looking back i realise how much pain you must have been in. That tears me up inside. I wish i could have done more for you. I wish you were still here. Sometimes i think ive forgotton what your voice sounds like. When im upset and wish i could just hug my dad. It hurts because your not here. I dont have blame for that. Its not your fault your not here. Its just the way things had to be. I'm happy that your not in pain anymore, and that your happy. I've never told anyone this but, the night you died i didnt give you a hug and tell you i loved you because i was in a bad mood. That tortures me inside. I never got to tell you i love you. Although im sure you know that i do. Dad your my hero. I love you and i miss you. I hope you and Gary are happy. Happy New Year my dear Dad and Brother. Your both loved and remembered everyday!

Your loving Daughter always, Leanne xxxxx

My Dad. R.I.P

Me and my dad!

P.S. Unfortunatly I have no photos of my brother.

Marilyn Monroe

Here is the quote that sums everything up for me.

"I believe everything happens for a reason.

People change so that you learn to let go.

Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when there right.

You believe less so eventually you trust no one but yourself.

And sometimes, good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

- Marilyn Monroe

Leanne x

The Fabolous Linda Green

I wanted to blog about this book, 10 Reasons Not To Fall In Love by Linda Green, purely because i found it to one of the best books i have ever read. Its funny and believable. I loved the characters. The Dan character.. oh my goodness... dreeaaammyy! Linda Green is a litery genius. I cant wait to read her other book, I Did A Bad Thing. I'd recomend 10 Reasons to anyone and everyone. If you havent read it then you can down load the first chapter of her book on her website. Which is:

The book is dark and true. I could identify with the main character "Jo". With her dealing with her ex which, as she returns to work after maternity leave is her new boss. In the book Jo deals with trust issues when it comes to men. Something i could relate to. Of course no road to love is straigh forward. The mistakes, misunderstandings and accusations are enough to end any relationship. The twist in the story keep you gripped. I was unable to put this book down. Seriously... if you havent read the book give it a go, you wont be disapointed!!

Linda Green - 10 Reasons Not To Fall In Love!

Leanne x

Happy New Year to you

Hello to you, the reader. I hope you have had a wonderful christmas and that Santa has brought you all you wished for. I havent blogged for a while, so i thought i would get one going on now. I was given a diary for christmas, and i never normally keep a diary. Not for the lack of trying. I just forget to write in it and then when i come to remember to write in it, i cant remember whats been happening. I'm quite useless really. But as i was saying, my aunt gave me a diary, not a posh smart one, just a bog standard diary. So far so good.

There are a few things i've decided to do this year. (2010). There not new years resolutions, but just things that i am going to try and do. Things like;

  1. Believe in myself more.

  2. Try to worry less and live more.

  3. Try to be more generous. Charity work etc.
  4. Blood donation. First appointment is on the 11th Jan 2010!

You know the sort of things. The things that on my part only need time and a bit of effort. Its a good feeling knowing you've helped someone and wanting nothing in return.

I'm hoping 2010 is going to be the back drop to bigger and better things for me. 2009 hasnt been a walk in the park, so many disapointments, fallings outs, and in general bad karma.

So to you dear reader, have a wonderful night, and a very happy new year!

Leanne x

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Katie; November 07 2009

I was just on one of my blogs... I dont use it anymore so dont worry your not missing much. Anyway I found a post of mine that I would like to share. I wrote it on November 07 2009. Here it is:

"I was just chilling watching top gear when I suddenly realised that I hadnt blogged in a while. Lately there have been a few things on my mind. Like friendship and basic human nature. And also channel 4's Katie; my beautiful face. I'm at a loss for words about that. Katie is beautiful, the guys that did that to her are scum. I personally think life in prison should mean life in prison and not 16 years.. that isnt life! She's a strong woman and I have so much respect for her! I cant imagen what it was like to be her. Or dealing with all the emotions that come along with an ordeal like she has been through. Amazing and inspiring!

Ok, friendship... now let me just say 3 weeks ago I "cut" away dead weight. In other words I said goodbye to someone I considered a good friend. Basically because I felt used and unapreciated and when confronted with this she wasnt botherd, soild proof to me that she was using me to gain her own ends. So what is friendship? What does it mean? What do u expect from a friend? Im not sure anymore. I make it a point to help my friends when ever I can. Im there for my friends when they need to talk things through. And I tell them the truth, even if the truth hurts. Isnt that what a true friend does? Tells you the truth and not what you want to hear. I mean if I put on a top that didnt suit me and asked a friend what she thought, if she said it looked nice and I found out it didnt id be vexed at her for lying to me.

Plus no one likes to be lied to. I always think that the worst thing about being lied to is that you just simply werent worth the truth. Problem is there are so many dishonest people and so many people who use others. As each day goes by i think the world gets worse and worse. Less of humanity and more of animal instinct. You know, dog eat dog. Only youth killing youths. It seems like the only time violence will end is when the last human dies. I think we all forgot that an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Or maybe its because of the lack of vision that we simply cant see what were doing to each other.

An eye for an eye... is the world doomed?"

So there it is guys! In relation to the friendship issue I;ve already blogged about it fully. See the earlier blog called 'Friend or Foe'.

Leanne x

My annoyance

Last night i was on facebook when I noticed a status which read "Put this on your status if you know someone who has or has had cancer. I wish for a cure of cancer. 93% wont copy and paste this.. will you?".

To which i put mine as "isnt in the mood and is likely to pick fights with stupid **** like chain statuses... just saying you know someone who died from something doesnt mean that because you put that there their going find a cure! Fact! Just like the fact, if you click your fingers a child in africa wont die... got it? Good!"

This is one of the things that really annoys me. Wishing for a cure of cancer isnt going to help find a cure. Expressing support for someone with cancer is one thing but chain statuses like those mean nothing. Its just words, none personal dribble. What is this wishing for a cure? I want a cure for cancer, but wishing for one isnt going to help. Pure fact!

I know a handful of people who have died from cancer, my dad and aunt are two of them. I also know a few people who have had cancer. So dont see this as im ragging on cancer supporters because im not. Im simply saying that to wish for a cure is useless. Do something about it, like hold a carboot sale and donate the proceedes to cancer research or to a specialised cancer hospital for equipment. There are alot of ways these so called "supporters" could do something to help towards a cure, and yet they choose words not actions. I was once told actions speek louder than words.

Rest in peace Dad & Aunty Margerate!
Aloha au iaoe, a hui hou!
Aloha all of my ohana!

Leanne x

Tuesday 8 December 2009

The Sims 3 - Personal Review

I thought I would take ten minutes to review the Pc game, The Sims 3 (TS3). Anyone who doesnt know, TS3 is a stratergy game where you can create Sims (humanoids), dress them, make homes for them and basically play god. You make their every wish come true or make them cheat with every other sim in town. 

The new Sims 3 is an amazing development, not that im bias or anything. But I loved the new Sims 3, although the personality traits do get a little boring when there is a limited amout of combinations you can use. Aswell as the furniture packs, there arent many to choose from and the designs are good but limited. Over all there are limitations to the game but even with those mentioned, the game is still a winner. I cant wait to try out the brand new SIms 3 World Adventures extension pack!

Hopefully the new extension pack will add more personality traits, designs, furniture packs and maybe even jobs. I havent looked at the specifications of play for the new extension pack yet, will hopefully buy it soon and "review it" haha! Anyway if you havent played the new-ish Sims 3 then give it a try. You may find you love it as much as me! Its sim-tastic!

Man & Woman Cuddling

Over emotional Sims watching a Scary movie

An over look of the town that comes with the game - you can down load another when you register you game pack, and even create your own towns!

Happy gaming all!

Leanne x