Monday 6 December 2010

All Of The Unsaid Things

(Running through my head, running through my head)

When I love you, I love you unconditionally. When I like you, I tolerate your faults. When I dislike you, I distance myself. And when I hate you I imagine you and me in my head. I tell you all the hurtful things about you. But I'll never speak them to you. I wouldn't want to hurt you like you do me. Weakness? No. Strength. I forgive your hurtful ways time after time. Believe me, it takes strength to forgive some one. Especially for the umpteenth time. I may cut you out of my life for short periods of time but I'll always accept you back, your my partner in crime. If I didnt accept you back I'd have to kill you, you know too much!

(Sometimes I blog like this. The truthful all knowing heart of me. In the wee small hours of the morning when my heads whirring and I'm trying to get to sleep but cant. So insted I grab a pen and paper and jot down my thoughts. Its easier to clear my mind and then easier to get to sleep. Kind of like getting things off my chest, so to speak.)

Disclaimer: I would never kill anyone. Used above is a figure of speach! Thank you!

Leanne x

Secret Postcards!

I wanted to share this website with you. I love it. It reminds me how vunerable and beautiful the people in this world are. Believe it or not but after reading the postcards on this website I feel grreatly humbled! Everybody has secrets. I always say you shouldnt judge a door by its paint work, you never know whats lurking behind it! Anyway Postsecret (click for website) is great. I'm even going to post one of my own secrets to it, but I'm not telling you what it is!! But check it out and maybe even join in?? Have fun reading them all!

Leanne x

Insomnia Is Not My Friend

Ok so its now 7am. I've been in bed since 1.30am. But haven't slept a wink because my brain didn't seem to want to shut up! So at about 6.10am I grabbed a pen and some paper and started writing all the things in my head down. Funnily enough, none of it was that funny! Except the thought I had about vicky Pollard (Little Britian Character). Anyway. Insomnia is horrible! I hate it and yet the doctor wont give me anything for it! Boohoo I know! Get the tiny small small violins out! That is for this blog I just wanted to share that! Bet your to hyped up to sit still after reading this, eh?

Leanne x

Snow Joke

Yes, I'm blogging about the bloody snow! I live in Derbyshire, the capital of s**t weather. We had snow for 3 days running. Almost continually. In most places in the UK the snow has almost disapeared. But where I live it's still knee high. I like the snow. As long as it's only around for a few days. And I'm in doors. And I have no where I need to go. Unfortunatly the town I live in has only just started to run normally again.

Message to Snow: Go away now please and dont come back until boxing day. Thank you very muchly!

Anyway on a different but related note; the best thing about this weather is seeing people fall on their butts! I remember a few years ago I was with a few friends and one of them was showing off on the ice and boasting about how easy it was. Then she slipped and ended up doing the splits & split her trousers! I couldnt stop smiling all day!

By the way do you think they call it 'Doing the splits' because the person to bring it to the publics attention split their trousers while doing it? (I'm speculating as to if thats what happened!)

Leanne x