Wednesday 25 August 2010

Mail Order Husband?

I was recently watching a programe about mail order brides and it got me thinking. Are there mail order husband websites to? I decided to do a little research on the subject. Personally I'm not looking for a mail order husband but my curiosity was peaked, thus being the reason I have done a little bit of researched in to mail order husbands! So on my first search I found only one website, which seemed to be more of a joke than anything else!

On this particular website, I was looking through the "mail order husbands" and came across one guy from the USA. He specifically stated he was looking for a girl named "Julie". He said the reason was that he has a Julie tattoo and would like a girl to match it! He also said he would consider women who were willing to change their names! I couldnt help but laugh! Hence the reason I thought the website was a bit of a joke!

I continued my search in the role for truth and found another website that is a mail order bride and husband website. I finally found a website that seemed to be genuine. I looked through it and there actually seems to be a growing "industry". I know that there are people who would love to have a gander and maybe even look in to it more. So I will supply a link. But my quest to unearth the part truth about mail order husbands has been answered.

Leanne x

Thursday 5 August 2010

My Nephew Nate F L B

My nephew loves to dress up. His favourites inclued Bob the builder, a monkey, a DR, and a pirate! I shall put a picture of Nate as monkey up! He went to the zoo. He told tall tales of the animals. Then he laughed and said "monkeys were scary!". So cute!

My nephew is two years old, three in January. Hes such a funny little boy. Last saturday his dad (Craig) and his mum (my sister Adele) got married. For the photos he had to stand on the steps infront of Craig and Adele. Craigs mum gave Nate some confetti. He opened the box and began throwing it in the air then turned the box upside down and emptied it on the steps in front of himself. He then looked round and said, "Oh dear! Who made all this mess!". To the amusement of everyone stood watching the photos being taken!

Even thought Nate is only two he has good manners. Always says please and thankyou. He even says thankyou very much! I was talking to my mum the other day and I miss heard her, so I said, "What?". Natey quick as a flash told me, "No Aunty Anne, Its not what its pardon!". LOL being taught manners by a two year old!

Natey cant pronounce L's. So my name automatically becomes aunty weanne! Nate stayed over a few weeks ago and I had a pink nighty on. I went in to let him out of his cot and he said to me; "Aunty Ann! You wook wuvly!" Which just made me giggle! Anyway I just thought I would share that with you all! Love you Loads Ferg face! Aka Natey B!

Leanne x

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Danger Mouse!

I was just watching my all time favourite cartoon, Danger Mouse! I soooo want the box set! Maybe santa will bring it me if I'm a good girl! I love Penfold! Oh crumbs chief! LOL. Anyway I thought I would share an episode off youtube with you all! So here is DM - Custard! Enjoy!

Part one 

Part Two

Part Three

Leanne x

Poorly sick sick

On Saturday my sister got married. Yay! Finally! But the week leading up to the wedding my nephew Nate had a sickness and diarrhea virus thats going around. For the past two days it seems I have had it. Well the sickness that is. I feel like my chest is in a vice and my tummy is doing summer salts. By the way did I mention my head is swimming? Spent all of monday in bed too ill to move. Didnt eat a thing either until tuesday afternoon and then it was only one slice of toast. Anyway heres hoping it goes away soonies! Much loveage and well being wishes sent your way!

Leanne x

Sunday 1 August 2010

Congratulations Adele & Craig

My sisters wedding day! Shes finally going to be made an honest woman! It was a good day. Except if you count my dress fiasco! I wont go in to detail but I had to get changed straight after the service and photos and my exact words were; "give me the scissors and I'll cut the ~@*%er off!". Anyway my sister looked beautiful and my Nephew actually behaved himself! He looked dappa in his little suit! (dappa meaning handsom, smart etc). It was a long day but my sister enjoyed it all. The best men Dave and Dave, (yes confusing) did an excalent speech! Well done lads.

I got to spend a good hour or so with my god daughter. Loved seeing her! Shes growing up so quick and is such a beautiful little girl. Love you loads Mollie! Loved seeing the family also and some old friends. Will put up a photo of the bride and groom or maybe one of the bride n groom and best men or what ever! I'll see if I can find a good one!

From left to right we have:
Craig M, Scott, Dave B, Craig (the groom), Nate, Adele (bride obviously), Dave E, Walt, and John

Leanne x