Sunday 21 February 2010

Quiz Me!

Hi, my name is: Leanne

But you can call me: Lee or Leanne

My fav. color is: Yellow and Green

My high school was: A religious establisment i didnt agree with

My hair is: blonde and long

My birthday is: May the 22nd

My middle name is: Marie

When I look down I see: Boobies! lol

If I were a character on ‘Friends’: I'd be the female Ross!

By this time next year: I'll be older and healthier

I have a hard time understanding: Pie... not cherry pie but math pie

If you spent the night at my house: We'd play on the Wii and i would kick your butt!

The one person who can drive me nuts is: well alot of people can, depends on my mood

Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: was a new pair of jeans.. because i was going out and just felt like it

Most recent thing someone else bought me: My mum bought me some space snacks (90's crisps!)

In the morning I: Generally wake up and wonder if todays going to be a good day or weather i should just turn over and go back to sleep!

If I was an animal I’d be a: I'd either be a butterfly or a lion.. RAWR!

What’s your top friends name: top friend? Erm... all my friends are top!!! (Im guessing the first person in my myspace friends... i havnt a clue who that is.)

Do you get along with this person all the time: Erm probably not. After all i am only human

Ever been in love: There was probably one point where i would have said yes. But now, im not so sure

Believe in love at first sight: No, i believe in lust at first sight.

What is your bed size: Its a single bed... the more fun to be had!

Do you prefer writing in pen or pencil: Generally pen but sometimes pencil

What’s your favorite season: Spring

Favorite radio station: I dont really listen to the radio any more. I used to be a BBC Radio 1 listener though!

Coke or Pepsi: Coke but if i have a total choice can i have lemonade please

Favorite subject in school: Lunch time.. Oh yea, that wasnt a lesson.. English Literature!

Last book you read: Half way through one at the minute. Its called 'A Good Girl Comes Undone' By Polly Williams

Do you prefer cats or dogs: Dogs. I'm a little scared of cats claws!

What’s your dream job: Billionaire!

What kind of car do you drive: I Dont drive... yet! But i love Audis!

Are you a better talker or better listener: I'm a better listener

What do you miss most about childhood: The innocence!

How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test: None because i havent

How many kids do you want: Two or three

Can you cook: When i put my mind to it. Although i did nearly burn the kitchen down last year!

Have you been to Disney World: No but i will take my kids when i have them lol

How many TRUE best friends do you have: A few! And i love each of them!

Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth: Cry over the truth. Lies cause more harm than good

Who’s the last person you got into a argument with: That would be... probably my mum

If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move: I dont know. Some where in the country side. A nice farm type house with family

How much do looks matter to you in a guy: Not alot really. I prefer to have someone who can make me laugh when i feel like crying

Whats the best feeling in the world: Love i would say is

Are you close with your mom and dad: I suppose so

Do you tell your parents everything: Oh goodness no!

What’s your favorite color to wear: i like to wear black! Although colours can be fun to wear sometimes

Who was the last person in your bedroom: My mum came in to see if i was hungry...

What’s something that someone can do that really bothers you: Talk to me while im trying to read or put the TV on loud while im trying to read...

What are you freakishly obsessed with: Up until recently it was Deadliest Catch. I had an unhealthy obsession with Edgar from the North Western! I had to put a stop to it and ban myself from watching it for two weeks!

What piercings do you want: I'm not a piercing person. I'm a tattoo girl myself

Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass or fail: I'd pass. I despise drugs. They ruin lives, and i dont care what these people who say "im just having fun". Fun comes with a full stop and an early ending!

Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now: Probably not. How poetic if they were!

Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in: Before! If i turned it on when i was inside and it was cold id be chilled to the bone!

Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower: No.. i cant multi-task like that!

Your favorite sport to watch: Rugby! No competition there

Ever had stitches: Yes, in my head

Have you ever given money to a homeless person: No. I prefer to buy them a few sandwiches and a drink or two

Ever run over an animal: Nope...

Would you kiss someone of same sex for £100: Heck i've done that for free!

More of a coffee or alcohol drinker: Coffee drinker

Ever thrown shoes on a telephone wire: No, i usually wear my shoes on my feet

Do you snore: No.. but i moan... apparently

What are you afraid of: Lorrys.. long story

All together, how many people have you kissed: Oh erm, off the top of my head i havent a clue! Not to mention the drunken nights out!

Are you comfortable with your body: No its a pain in the bum...

Whats your stand on gay marriage: Love knows no bounderies. If you love someone and wish to marry them then go ahead. If you dont agree wth gay marriage dont do it... simples :o)

What about abortions: Ah now, thats a person by person case. I personally wouldnt and could never do it. But i understand those reasons why someone may. Each to their own. I am not here to judge, you are not here to judge me.

Hey! Hope you enjoy reading this as much as i have filling it out!

Leanne x

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