Wednesday 24 February 2010

Ba Ba Bo##ocks!

I was thinking about "political" issues last night in bed. I think everything is blown out of proportion these days. For example, Ba Ba Black Sheep is now Ba Ba Rainbow Sheep. The main reason for this is because Ba Ba Black Sheep is considered to have racist under tones. Is it just me or has the world gone completely insane? In my opinion theres nothing racist about that nursery rhyme. Fact: black is a colour. There are black, white and grey sheep. Even black and white or white and grey or grey and white or black and grey.

Where in the nursery rhyme does it indicate any sense of racsim? It bewilders me! They consider changing the rhyme political correctness. To me it will always be politically incorrect. For the good old days when a colour was just a colour and not considered a racist remark. I wonder if they will change a white board to rainbow board or even a blackberry to a fruit berry? Black is just a colour! I personally think the word black can only be considered racist if used in the context of being so.

If you think Ba Ba Black Sheep is racist i think you need to take a long hard look at your own attitude. Implying that the nursery rhyme is racist, isnt that saying something about yourself? Skin colour has nothing to do with anything. Skin colour is just skin, isnt it who a person is that matters? If you agree with Ba Ba Rainbow Sheep you need to check yourself!

Leanne x

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Toby Smith

My Gorjus rabbit is about 6 months old. Hes georgous and I just wanted to share a few pictures of him.

Heehee my ikle baby wascly wabbit!!

Leanne x

Culinary Godess!

Yes, you read the title right. Today I am a culinary godess! I cooked something that turned out edible! I made home made potato wedges, dippy sausages and peas. Then for pudding I cooked home made rice pudding! Ok, so the wedges were a little chrunchy but everything else turned out alright! My favourite bit was the rice pudding! Scrummy yummy in my tummy!

Picture of my home made rice pudding!

By the way the brown stuff on top is nut meg.. its not burnt! Heehee

Leanne x

Top two tunes!

I just wantd to share the two songs out at the moment that i love. So the first one is Owl Citys Fireflies. I think this song is just genius. I hope you like it to.

My second song is 3oh!3 Ft. Katy Perry - Starstrukk! Enjoy!

Leanne x

Monday 22 February 2010

My Favourite 90's fad

After i did my my blog about the 90s fads yesterday i got to thinking, and i think my favourite one of all was the pogs! I'm sure i've still got some some where. I will have to look for them, photograph them and post them on here. I'll add them to this particular blog! I remember having ones of Taz and Bugs bunny! By the way does anyone remember why pogs were invented? What do you do with them? I just liked to look at them! Leave a comment and let me know if you know what the whole point of pogs is/was! Also what was your favourite 90s fad?

Leanne x

Sunday 21 February 2010

The 90's

Ok, so theres this whole culture thing going around about being a 90's kid! And well here are some of the thngs that i loved and now miss about the 90's! Enjoy the memories!

You can rap along to the fresh prince of bel air song

You wore leggins and felt cool

You used to love playing with your puppy in my pockets

You remember when it was actually worth getting up on a saturday morning to watch cartoons - live and kicking

Good saturday nights consisted of gladiators, noels house party, you've been framed, catch phraze and blind date, the crystal maze

You had a home hair cut

Boys wore their hair in curtains

You read all of the goose bumps series

You took a plastic cartoon lunch box to school

You had a yoyo and a tamagotchi

There was no cbeebies or cbbc it was just good old bbc 2

You watched the old CITV and knew the number 090 11 10 50 10

You wanted to be a power ranger, danger mouse, teenage mutant ninja turtles, animals of farthing wood, animaniacs, the smurfs

You collected pokemon cards

You had an alien that lived in gooey stuff in a plastic pod and thought if you stuck them back to back they would make babies

You watched the original postman pat, noddy, fireman sam and pingu

You remember what a beanie baby is

You know the song to BN biscuits

You wore stick on earings on your ears and the corners of your eyes

You knew the words to the macerena and saturday night

Talk to the hand

You owned a black n white brick nintendo

You thought pinky and the brain would actually take over the world

You remember bum bags

Snap bracelets were the craze

You had a pair of jelly shoes

Your trainers were either neon or they flashed

You wore popper trousers

You wore scrunchies and a hair band with ur name on

Videos and tapes were the in thing

You cried when mufasa died in the lion king

Decisions were made by a rhyme.. eeny meeny miny moe

Nokia 3310s were the best phones ever

Everyone ate fruit salads and black jacks

You had a furby

You were always singing the theme tune to round the twist

They will always be OPAL fruits not starbursts

You had a million gel pens in every colour

You remember sony walkmans

You compared football stickers on the play ground

Spice girls, boy zone and take that

You remember who rosie and jim are

You remember when you rushed home to catch the latest episode of grange hill

You watched the top of the pops

Lick on tattoos from 2p bubble gums

You remember what pogs were

You watched the magic pencil in school (up and down all the way round and flick)

You remember engalnd losing to germany in euro 96

You know who Mr Motivator is

A holiday meant a trip to the sea side and stayign in a caravan


Princess dianas death

You know what trolls are

You could get penny mix bags of sweets

And all you wanted was to appear on an episode of FUN HOUSE!!

I love the 90's!

Leanne x

Religious Questions...

Ok I was lay in bed and I was thinking. I was wondering if anyone out there could answer my questions. So...

If Adam and Eve were white (like they are portraid to be) where did black, asian, arabic, etc. people come from?

If Adam and Eve were the only two human beings made by God, wouldnt that mean that their children would of had to have sex with each other to increase the population? And wouldnt that make us a population of freaks?


How do we know the bible is real and not just a story book consisting of storys people used to tell while sitting around a camp fire?

ohh and, if Heavens so great for everyone then who up there cleans the toilets?  (Thankyou Bart Simpson for that one!!)

Just a thought!
Leanne x

Quiz Me!

Hi, my name is: Leanne

But you can call me: Lee or Leanne

My fav. color is: Yellow and Green

My high school was: A religious establisment i didnt agree with

My hair is: blonde and long

My birthday is: May the 22nd

My middle name is: Marie

When I look down I see: Boobies! lol

If I were a character on ‘Friends’: I'd be the female Ross!

By this time next year: I'll be older and healthier

I have a hard time understanding: Pie... not cherry pie but math pie

If you spent the night at my house: We'd play on the Wii and i would kick your butt!

The one person who can drive me nuts is: well alot of people can, depends on my mood

Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: was a new pair of jeans.. because i was going out and just felt like it

Most recent thing someone else bought me: My mum bought me some space snacks (90's crisps!)

In the morning I: Generally wake up and wonder if todays going to be a good day or weather i should just turn over and go back to sleep!

If I was an animal I’d be a: I'd either be a butterfly or a lion.. RAWR!

What’s your top friends name: top friend? Erm... all my friends are top!!! (Im guessing the first person in my myspace friends... i havnt a clue who that is.)

Do you get along with this person all the time: Erm probably not. After all i am only human

Ever been in love: There was probably one point where i would have said yes. But now, im not so sure

Believe in love at first sight: No, i believe in lust at first sight.

What is your bed size: Its a single bed... the more fun to be had!

Do you prefer writing in pen or pencil: Generally pen but sometimes pencil

What’s your favorite season: Spring

Favorite radio station: I dont really listen to the radio any more. I used to be a BBC Radio 1 listener though!

Coke or Pepsi: Coke but if i have a total choice can i have lemonade please

Favorite subject in school: Lunch time.. Oh yea, that wasnt a lesson.. English Literature!

Last book you read: Half way through one at the minute. Its called 'A Good Girl Comes Undone' By Polly Williams

Do you prefer cats or dogs: Dogs. I'm a little scared of cats claws!

What’s your dream job: Billionaire!

What kind of car do you drive: I Dont drive... yet! But i love Audis!

Are you a better talker or better listener: I'm a better listener

What do you miss most about childhood: The innocence!

How many times did it take you to pass your drivers test: None because i havent

How many kids do you want: Two or three

Can you cook: When i put my mind to it. Although i did nearly burn the kitchen down last year!

Have you been to Disney World: No but i will take my kids when i have them lol

How many TRUE best friends do you have: A few! And i love each of them!

Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth: Cry over the truth. Lies cause more harm than good

Who’s the last person you got into a argument with: That would be... probably my mum

If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move: I dont know. Some where in the country side. A nice farm type house with family

How much do looks matter to you in a guy: Not alot really. I prefer to have someone who can make me laugh when i feel like crying

Whats the best feeling in the world: Love i would say is

Are you close with your mom and dad: I suppose so

Do you tell your parents everything: Oh goodness no!

What’s your favorite color to wear: i like to wear black! Although colours can be fun to wear sometimes

Who was the last person in your bedroom: My mum came in to see if i was hungry...

What’s something that someone can do that really bothers you: Talk to me while im trying to read or put the TV on loud while im trying to read...

What are you freakishly obsessed with: Up until recently it was Deadliest Catch. I had an unhealthy obsession with Edgar from the North Western! I had to put a stop to it and ban myself from watching it for two weeks!

What piercings do you want: I'm not a piercing person. I'm a tattoo girl myself

Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass or fail: I'd pass. I despise drugs. They ruin lives, and i dont care what these people who say "im just having fun". Fun comes with a full stop and an early ending!

Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now: Probably not. How poetic if they were!

Do you start the water before you get in the shower or when you get in: Before! If i turned it on when i was inside and it was cold id be chilled to the bone!

Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower: No.. i cant multi-task like that!

Your favorite sport to watch: Rugby! No competition there

Ever had stitches: Yes, in my head

Have you ever given money to a homeless person: No. I prefer to buy them a few sandwiches and a drink or two

Ever run over an animal: Nope...

Would you kiss someone of same sex for £100: Heck i've done that for free!

More of a coffee or alcohol drinker: Coffee drinker

Ever thrown shoes on a telephone wire: No, i usually wear my shoes on my feet

Do you snore: No.. but i moan... apparently

What are you afraid of: Lorrys.. long story

All together, how many people have you kissed: Oh erm, off the top of my head i havent a clue! Not to mention the drunken nights out!

Are you comfortable with your body: No its a pain in the bum...

Whats your stand on gay marriage: Love knows no bounderies. If you love someone and wish to marry them then go ahead. If you dont agree wth gay marriage dont do it... simples :o)

What about abortions: Ah now, thats a person by person case. I personally wouldnt and could never do it. But i understand those reasons why someone may. Each to their own. I am not here to judge, you are not here to judge me.

Hey! Hope you enjoy reading this as much as i have filling it out!

Leanne x

Jeff Dunham!

The genius of Jeff Dunham! I want the talking dolls and some of the t-shirts! I want the Achmed I KEEL YOU! t-shirt! That stuffs funny!! Think i'll buy the t-shirt when i next get paid! It you havent seen Jeff Dunhams Spark of Insanity tour. I'd highly recomend it! By the way my favourite Character is Walter! I love him!

Heehee Gotta love it!

Leanne x

Back Ache!

Hi all!! How are we? I havent Blogged since my blog about Capt. Phil Harris! I thought it was time again. So, lately i've been in alot of pain. Back trouble. I hurt it when i was about 14, but it doesnt normally play up much. But this week its been agony! I feel sorry for people who have to put up with this every day, all year! I tried some prescribed pain killers. They made me really ill! I dont know weather i prefer feeling ill or the back pain. I seriously hope it goes soon! Updates like this are boring but never mind eh!

Leanne x

Friday 12 February 2010

Capt. Phil Harris

I heard yesterday that Captain Phil Harris, one of the stars of Deadliest Catch and Skipper of the Cornelia Marie passed away on the 9th of Feb. I just wanted to take this time now and express my condolences to Jake and Josh. And all those who loved and knew him. God Bless and may he rest in peace!

My thoughts and prayer go out to Capt phils family and friends. God bless!

Leanne x