Monday 23 March 2009

Ready For Love (poem)

For so log now I thort I didnt deserve you
And after soul searching I know that aint true
Because you were the one who couldnt handle it
Ann you didnt even try to you just got up and split
Dont get me wrong because I dont blame you
Honestly I didnt expect you to stick around roo
Even though I thought you might have understood
after all you know the ties and bonds of blood
And the pains of death left on the heart
Maybe you didnt see mine was torn apart
Not by you roo but by my own childhood
No excuses id apologise to you if I could
Although what difference would it make
But I promise you I'm sorry for my mistake

I told the truth but I made all the excuses
Tried to justiry it to cover the bruises
But no matter what I know I was wrong
And that why I'm sat writing this song
So the world will know I did something bad
And telling you the truth must have made you mad
How could you stand to look at me or say my name
I know what you think but it wasnt a game
My feelings were true about that I never lied
After it was over every night I cried
I wasnt ready to say goodbye to you roo
But that choice wasnt mine it was all on you
So I tried to move on but I was still in your debt
And I know God hasnt punished my sins yet

Leanne x

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