Monday 23 March 2009

Hoodys Asbos and murder

Ok I just want to take a moment here and talk about some things that have been happening locally. Violece people. What the f*ck? I mean yike, how fucked up would a person have to be to get in an arguement with their neighbour then decided to hold them at gun point? Are we no better than animals? Killing each other over petty shit that dont even matter? And let me, for a moment, touch upon all this hoody stuff. Correct me if I am wrong but saying someone wearing a hoody is out to cause trouble, isnt that discrimination? A fact in which we in the united kingdom pride ourselves on for not condoning? So tell me why, when I walk down the street with my hoody on, why do people (mainly elder) avoid me to the extent that they walk as far away as possible? Isnt the ages suppost to be intelligent, or is it that the years roll by that we as a nation are becoming blind by the past? To such a point that we can not see a safe future.

Now I do understand about the fear of youths in big groups. And yes there needs to be harder punishments for youths... asbos? Thats a joke! An asbo now is like a fashion statement. I heard on the news the other day that a three year old BABY was named a thief for taking a penny sweet. What has this country come to? Why dont you go the whole hog and slap an asbo on this little baby aswel! Its rediculous, at three years old babies are still learning betwen right and wrong, to name that baby a thief would be wrog and injust.

Now do you remember Garry Newlove? The 44 year old man who was kicked and punched to death by youthes outside his own home. Lets see, three youthes got life in prison with a minimum of 17 years. Now the kids were 17, 16, and 19 years of age. So lets do the math... 17+17=34. 16+17=33. 19+17=36. Now answer me this... why is it that three people who killed someone can get out of prison in their mid 30's to live thier lives like you and me? When they took someone elses away? Shouldnt they serve the maximum sentance for their crime? If it was my dad I would want them in perison for life. Even if the prison system is soft. But personally I think Britian needs to shape up.

Also I have to ask myself where the parents of these three youths were? Did they not teach their kids that behaviour like that isnt right? I think the legal system should look at the parents aswell as the teens. When I was growing up I was told to fight back if I had to. So if a kid hit me it was ok to protect myself by hitting back. But never in my nightmares did I imagen that I would or would kill someone, it wasnt something that came to mind. But as it seems times have changed and teens who are nothing more than children are killing people. Do i need to remind you of Reece Jones? An 11 year old walking home from football practice shot dead. Now I saw the images on the news. The kid on the bike couldnt have been older than 16. Where the hell did a 16 year old CHILD get a gun from? Who in their right minds would give or give access for a 16 year old to a gun? Was it the kids parents? An aunt or an uncle? Who? Shouldnt this person also be punished?

Now in January 2008 there were 11 murders. In Febuary there were 8 murders. Now these are only the ones that have been marked as murder. I dont think this counts for man-slaughter? If anyone knows if that figure does count for man-slaughter please let me know. But anyway, 19 murders in two months, that just, I'm god smacked! Seriously, gang culture needs to be stopped, the youths who carry knives, and guns and other weapons need to be dealt with when they are caught with these on them. Its plainly obvious that a slap on the wrist isnt working, therefore harder punishments should be handed out, even if it does cost the legal system more money.

Believe it or not but we are capable of things we would never even think about in our wildest dreams or nightmares. But as human beings we have the choice between right and wrong. It isnt actions that define us but our choices. As long as you can look yourself in the eye and say I made the right choice there, then isnt that what matters most?

Leanne x

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