Wednesday 27 January 2010

Pet Annoyance

Latley i've been noticing that certain kinds of people annoy me. I mean seriously... to the point where i want to slap them and tell them to get a grip! I hate these people who are all.. "ahh my job sucks"... I wish i had the luxury to complain about MY job, which i dont have because of amout of people who have been laid off in the area i live. Honestly, there are people who have it so much worse. And these moaners need a reet good slapping! Sorry i had to get that off my cheat. G;day!

Leanne x

Saturday 23 January 2010

Haiti appeal

Hey I just wanted to blogged a link where you can go and donate money to the Haiti Red Cross. All the money goes to the HRC so please give generously! You can find it in the side bar!

Leanne x

Saturday 16 January 2010

Thawing out

Well as I have been told by many people over the past day or so, every where is beginning to if not already, thawed out. But where I live that is going to take a long time. The snow on the roofs has melted but the snow on most of the ground has not. So I am going to add one or two pics to show you how much snow we still have. I hope you enjoy the pictures because im no longer enjoying the snow!

The front view of my house

The back garden

Well I hope you enjoyed the snow! And I hope that the rumours of the weather being like this until April is just that, a rumour!

Leanne x

Friday 8 January 2010

Au Naturale

Yesterdays blog of my blondness got me thinking, i remembered another blonde moment. Last year, whilst on the website Facebook. I was using an application called Super poke. And this was the result..

Yes. I tripped myself! I laughed so hard when i realised what i had done! So there you go. I am a true blonde!

Leanne x

Thursday 7 January 2010

A Poke

Really weird! I think i poked myself in the eye last night in my sleep. I woke up with really bad pain in my eye, and it was watering and really really red! I was either having a bad dream orrrr i'm just a stupid git! Then again it could just be both! Just thought i would share this with you because i like to share my "blonde" moments!

Leanne x

Future and goals

I thought i would just take a few moments to blog. So i've made myself a hot chocolate and logged on here. So Lets start with Happy New Year to you! I hope you have a good year so far! I had made one promise to myself this year. Well i say promise its more of a goal. I am going to read as many books as i can this year. I'm half way through my fifth at the moment. As you can tell so far so good!

I'd just like to say happy 90th birthday to my nan. It was two days ago but still!

Oh yeah on the 11th of this month (January), theres a blood donation session in my area. I have made an appointment. Some people would be nervous but im excited. Is that weird? I'm looking forward to it. I mean i see it as doing something that could save lives. All it is for me is a needle and a little while to relax. Anyway, back to the house work now i think. Might blog later!

Leanne x