Saturday 26 January 2013

Snow Away!

That is how much snow we have had in the past few days... luckily its starting to subside now. We've had a big thunder storm and buckets of rain... so best get my ice skates on if im going out tomorow then!!! Hurry up please spring... I miss you!

Leanne x

Monday 5 November 2012

Sigh.... Blerghh

Yeah inventive post name... nah! Anyway I havent really been blogging much recently. I've been way to busy with things day to day. So much has happened! Lets see whats first... yes, babies... well congrats to Lou and Rob for the safe arrival of Riley. To Hayley and Dan for the safe arrival of Eva. To Lucy for the safe arrival of Isla. To Michael and Ronnie for the safe arrival of Gerard! Yay! Broody now!! Haha!
Erm yesssss... so theres alot of things gone off lately in the news, David Posh-boy-I-dont-have-a-clue-about-the-average-household-or-"working-class"-people Cameron..... that man has got Poo-poo for brains! Seriously! Andddd erm well i suppose the US elections are a big topic for people at the moment. I'm backing Obama! Whoop whoop. Oh and the super storm that is Sandy! My heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones and also all of the people effected. I said earier today to my sister, "all this technology and resorces that we have, one big storm and there useless. Makes you think, doesnt it?"
Anyway, I know i have rambled on in this post but thems are the breaks for right now!
Take care,
Leanne x

Tuesday 28 August 2012

New Side blog!

So yes, theres a new side blog on here. I'll post a link at the end of this! So what is it about? I hear you ask! Well it's my Book of Shadows... my online version of sorts. Spells, incantations, pictures, Mythology, poems, recipies, rituals, ect. So not strictly a book of shadows as in what I have in my paper version because I wont be publishing things such as the Wiccan Rede or the Charge of the Goddess/God etc. But all the same! Come on over, take a look. Enjoy, share, etc etc

LINK: Opal Bears Book Of Online Shadows!

Have a Blessed Day!

Leanne x

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Local Carnival

In the town where I live, we have a carnival every year, It raises money for charity. There is the dressing of the wells. Opening of the wells. The fair which arrives in town 7 days before the carnival day. On the day of there are live local bands in and around the centre of town, brass bands and quiors on the parade. There is also the road race. And of course there is the carnival itself and also the annual duck race in the river Wye. Also from last year and reoccuring this year is the final event of the parade, the World War 2 Bomber flying over the town.

Loads of local organizations take part. From nurserys to rugby teams to local business and even the local emergancy services such as fire engines, police, ambulance etc.

The floats change from year to year, but there are a few that remain unchanged. Such as my personal favourite, The Billerettes! who apart from members coming and going have remainded unchanged in their ways for four decades!

Amazing guys who have raised unbelieveable amounts of money for charity! If you'd like to know more about the Billerettes or are from Buxton and would like to join them, then here is their official website! Official Billerettes (Click me)

Anyway, If anybody reading this blog would like to come along to the fun and festivities then here are the details!

Buxton, Derbyshire, England (SK17)
Saturday 14th July
Carnival starts at 2pm after which the fair on the market square will be open.

More information and a list of roads the carnival travels down please visit the offical Buxton Wells Dressing Website

Leanne x

Wednesday 9 May 2012

The Voice UK

Have you all been watching the voice?? I think its a step up from X factor! I love the judges! Jessie J, Danny O'D,, and of course the legendary Tom Jones! But of the contestants of the voice? Well this Sat will be Tom and Wills second week of live finals! So who are your favourites to win?

For me, I have favourites for each team, and for me, it stands like thus:

Team Tom: Ruth Brown
Team Danny: Max Milner
Time Will: Jaz Ellington
Team Jessie: Vince Kidd

And the overall winner that I will be backing....... can you guess???

Yessss... Vince Kidd!!!

I loved his voice from the first moment he opened his mouth in the blind audition! So, my prediction is Vince.... although I wouldnt be supprised for Jaz winning either!

Vince Kidds Blind audtion (Like a virgin)

An alternative of this version of Vince Kidd singing Like a Virgin

And of course Vince Kidds very own Sick Love!

Hes shinning so bright theres no question this guy is going to have a very bright future!

Leanne x

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Three of my Fave songs this month!

Ok, so i do this some times. Give you two or three songs I love. So here are the top three I play the most at the moment.

1. Ed Sheeran - Small bump

By the way if you go to Eds channel theres more accoustic versions of his song. The one where he nearly hits his head made me LOL!

2. John Mayer - Gravity

Such a lovely voice!

3. John Mayer - Free Falling

Yes I know this was on the voice not long ago. But Its a great song, especially sung by the amazing John Mayer!!

So guys what songs are making it on to your ipods most listened to list? Look out for the up coming peoples choice tracks blog!

Leanne x

Time off!

Hey! Its been a while since I last blogged. A long while! Erm yeah, okie so it was over a year ago! Anyway I'm back, and will try to keep on top of my blogging! I wish This one was more interesting! But unfortunatly its not, meh! Things will improve! Sooo... anyhoo this is just lil old me saying a quick hello and wishing you well!!

Leanne x

Friday 22 April 2011

Favourite Real Talk Songs 2011 - April

I've noticed a few real tak songs about at the minute and I just wanted to share two of them with you. Two of my favourite artists. One relatively new and one old. But still Massive thumbs up to both. e

First off Pink's Perfect - Amazing song

Secondly Jessie J - Who you are (Boombox)... I love this song so much and Jessie J, shes an amazing talent and I cant wait to see what she comes out with next!

Leanne x

Sore nose after a cold... Owie!

So I had a really bad cold, and I found my nose got really sore because of having to blow it so often. So a little tip for you all to try (next time you have a cold), use anti-chafing gel on ur nose and philtrum. It stops the tissue rubbing the skin and therefore stops the skin becoming irritated. Works, trust me!

Take care

Leanne x